
JAKARTA - People's market traders are the drivers of the populist economy that has an effect on national economic growth. Therefore, the Ministry of Trade collaborates with PT Pos Indonesia to increase the competitiveness of the people's market through digitalization. Deputy Minister of Trade Jerry Sambuaga said that according to the direction of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) the Ministry of Trade was assigned to digitize the people's market. Jerry said, digitizing the people's market brings many benefits. Therefore, the Ministry of Trade also collaborates with PT Pos Indonesia to launch Digitalization of People's Markets in Sonder, Minahasa, North Sulawesi. "There is a lot of benefit, not only to facilitate transactions, but much wider and substantive, namely the effectiveness of trade, supporting financial inclusion and business opportunities in the fields of trade and supply will also be more effective and fast," said Jerry, in an official statement quoted on Sunday, November 13. The Ministry of Trade really appreciates the efforts of PT Pos Indonesia Persero with its initiation to launch the People's Market Digitalization program with the first piloting target at Sonder Market, Minahasa Regency. "With the Digitalization of People's Market with PT Pos Indonesia, it will be able to improve the existence of people's market traders in the midst of advances and technological developments," said Jerry.

Pos Indonesia Gives Free Internet Assistance Finance Business Director of PT Pos Indonesia Haris Husein said concretely, in this digitalization collaboration, PT Pos Indonesia provides Pospay, Kios, QRIS, and PosAja services. For the initial stage, continued Haris, the PosPay program has been implemented as a cash replacement payment method in transactions in the people's market, the Pospay Kios program which can be a service unit from traders for cash in and cash out facilities. "As well as the existence of merchant kiosks that have dropped PosAja points in the market for facilities to facilitate the delivery of market goods," he said.

Haris said to facilitate the digitization program of the people's market, PT Pos Indonesia and the Ministry of Trade assessed the need for support for communication infrastructure, in the form of adequate Internet access and services. Furthermore, Haris said this obstacle is often encountered in areas outside Java, especially in East Indonesia. As one of the solutions, PT Pos Indonesia will help access the Internet for traders and consumers through the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program. "To make it easier for traders and buyers in the transaction process, PT Pos Indonesia through the CSR program provides free internet connection assistance at the Sonder Market for 1 year," he said.

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