
Member of Commission VII DPR RI Adian Napitupulu said Commission VII DPR RI would summon the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arifin Tasrif to related parties, such as Tan Paulin. This summons is in the aftermath of a video of Ismail Bolong's confession regarding the illegal coal mining business in East Kalimantan.

Adian said that the name Tan Paulin was mentioned in the DPR Commission VII working meeting with the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources in January 2022. At that time, Member of Commission VII DPR RI Muhammad Nasir said there was illegal mining in East Kalimantan which was controlled by Tan Paulin or known as 'Queen of Coal'.

According to Adian, Ismail Bolong's confession could be new evidence to be explored and studied again by Commission VII DPR RI.

"Then, Ismail Bolong's police confession could be new evidence. We will make the novum (new facts) to be explored and studied again by Commission VII," said Adian, quoted on Saturday, November 12.

Adian added that until now Commission VII DPR RI has not discussed the matter of Tan Paulin since the video was busy on social media. However, Adian confirmed that his party would soon hold a working meeting with the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arifin Tasrif, including Tan Paulin, to confirm Ismail Bolong's video.

"We will definitely call (both). We will also call Tan Paulin, we will summon the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources. Regarding the time, we will discuss it together later. We have not yet met the matter," he concluded.

Previously, a viral video of the confession of a former member of the Intelligence and Security Unit of the Samarinda Police, East Kalimantan Police, Aiptu Ismail Bolong, who mentioned Tan Paulin's name in the alleged mining consortium involving the Indonesian National Police (Polri).

Ismail Bolong explained that related to illegal coal mining in East Kalimantan, namely the Marangkayu area, Kukar, the jurisdiction of the Bontang Police from July 2020 to November 2021.

Ismail also mentioned the names of several high-ranking police officers, namely Kabareskrim Komjen Agus Andrianto.

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