
JAKARTA - Pelita Air is increasingly keen to promote its services through various channels. One of them is by cooperating with travel influencers to campaign for the Pelita Air mobile application in a Talkshow entitled #MakinNyamanTerbang.

Through an event that took place on Friday 11 November in Sarinah, Jakarta, Pelita Air facilitated interactions between its customers and travel influencers regarding tips for traveling after the pandemic.

These influencers include Kadek Arini, Yuki Anggia, Wiranurmansyah, and Putri Sari.

"Pelita Air always strives to be able to interact directly with its customers through various interesting activities. This time, Pelita Air organizes travel talk shows with travel influencers for traveling lovers by discussing the latest travel topics. This talk show is a series of activities from the Pelita Air mobile application campaign which was just launched on October 20, 2022," said PT Pelita Air Service President Director Dendy Kurniawan in a written statement.

This talkshow discusses two topics, namely "Post-pandemic traveling style" by presenting travel influencers Yuki Anggia and Wiranurmansyah as speakers and topics of "Traveling with Kids" by presenting travel influencers Kadek Arini, who just had a baby, and Putri Sari, founder of chance Indonesia.

Arini told about the difference in traveling when she did not have children and when she was already having children, preparing for traveling with children, and what mandatory equipment to carry when traveling with children.

"The solution to the large amount of luggage needed can be resolved with Pelita Air because it provides 20 kg free baggage. If it turns out that the luggage is more than 20 kg, it can easily buy an additional quota in the Pelita Air mobile application through the prepared baggage feature at a lower price than adding a baggage quota at the check-in counter," said Kadek Arini.

Meanwhile, for Putri Sari as a influencer parenting with two children who are already teenagers, choosing a tourist destination that is in demand by children who have started to become teenagers has their own challenges. The challenge is to determine a fun destination but have educational value. In addition, as parents, you must also be smart in maintaining the mood of children who are easily bored on the way to destinations.

"With the Starlight service on Pelita Air planes, children are not easily bored because there are various kinds of multimedia content that can be watched on Starlight. In addition, on Pelita Air flights, snacks for snacks for children are also provided so that the children's mood can be maintained," said Putri Sari.

In different sessions, influencer Yuki told about traveling in the post-pandemic era. Post-pandemic conditions make people have to adapt from the aspect of how to work and new habits related to digital services. With this increasingly digital lifestyle, the existence of qualified technological devices is very important.

Not only capable, but also completely available so that it is enough with one device, it can meet various needs. Included in making travel plans and booking plane tickets.

"The Pelita Air mobile application answers the needs of flight planning. Besides being easy to use, there are also many and useful features. Travel can be more comfortable because it can easily check-in online via the Mobile Pelita Air application," said Yuki.

In line with Yuki, travel vlogger Wiranurmansyah said it was easy to use the Pelita Air mobile application. "Departing to the airport can be more relaxed because you can check-in online on the Pelita Air mobile application. Not only that, Starla, the virtual assistance travel service contained in the Pelita Air mobile application makes it easier for you if there are questions related to Pelita Air services," said Wiranurmansyah.

In addition, continued Wiranurmansyah, free entertainment services on the Pelita Air Starlight aircraft that can be accessed by passengers via smartphones, laptops, tablets of each passenger, make flights more comfortable.

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