
JAKARTA - Nickel entrepreneur from South Sulawesi, Helmut Hermawan, stated that he had strongly rejected the approval of the change in share ownership of PT CLM by the Directorate General of General Legal Administration (Ditjen AHU) proposed by Notary Oktaviana Anggraeni. Where the approval letter from the Director General of AHU has just been issued dated October 31, 2022. The rejection was due to the legally valid shareholders of PT CLM based on the authentic deed of establishment along with previous changes. "Never made changes to share ownership either directly or share ownership in PT Asia Pacific Mining Resources to PT Aserra Mineralindo Investama or other parties," Helmut explained in his statement, Monday, November 7. According to him, currently the parties are conducting a civil lawsuit at the District Court regarding the previous polemic that occurred between the Aserra Group and shareholders of PT Asia Pacific Mining Resources. Helmut suspects that the refusal was caused by interventions carried out by other parties and officials suspected of playing games in this case. Meanwhile, the current condition in the mining area of PT CLM has been roaming the security forces (Kepolisian) who disrupted the production process with the impression of defending PT Aserra Mineralindo Investama. "The shareholders of PT CLM hope that all parties can exercise restraint and respect the ongoing legal process at the District Court and wait for the final court verdict," he said. On the other hand, the Director of PT CLM Mahar Atanta Sembiring requested that the CLM deed No. 09 dated September 14, 2022 be revoked immediately. According to him, Hermawan Cs himself has not been a administrator of PT CLM since the emergence of Deed Notary No. 07 on September 13, 2022 through a GMS held by PT APMR as a shareholder of 85 percent and Ir Isrullah as a shareholder of 15 percent. "This fraudulent act must be immediately revoked. Furthermore, suppliers, business partners and stakeholders can be related to us as legitimate management for the continuity of CLM in the future," he said. According to him, the GMS held also did not invite valid management in PT CLM. Namely Irawan Sastrotanojo as the main commissioner and Deputy Governor as commissioner. He said the GMS also did not invite Zainal Abidinsyah Siregar as President Director and himself, Mahar Atanta Sembiring as Director. "In carrying out the PT CLM GMS, the shareholders of CLM are Mr. Isrullah Achmad and PT APMR, where PT APMR only has the right to be represented by a legitimate management in acting based on the last deed, namely the APMR Deed No. on September 13, 2022," he said.

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