
JAKARTA - As a securities company that is a member of the Indonesia Stock Exchange, PT Stockbit Sekuritas Digital is committed to continuing to improve synergies and coordination with the Indonesia Stock Exchange and other regulators in the financial services sector. This is done to ensure that Stockbit can continue to improve the quality of its services in order to encourage the participation of the Indonesian people to invest in the capital market.

According to Stockbit's PR & Corporate Communication Lead, William, synergies, and coordination with regulators are very important so that the initiatives that Stockbit takes can be in line with what is the regulator's priority agenda, both related to inclusion and financial literacy. By communicating openly and continuously with regulators, Stockbit can also receive and act on them immediately.

"What we get, for example from the Stock Exchange, we always take very seriously because we believe, and the support that the regulator provides us is closely related to the company's commitment to providing safe and comfortable investment services and experiences for the people of Indonesia," said William, in a written statement, Monday, October 31.

William added, in addition to communicating continuously with regulators, Stockbit is also actively involved in various activities initiated by regulators. In mid-October 2022, Stockbit participated in opening a digital booth and educating the public in the Capital Market Summit & Expo 2022 "Capital Market for All Towards a Strong Sustainable Economy".

This activity is a collaboration between the Financial Services Authority, PT Bursa Efek Indonesia, PT Kliring Penjaminan Efek Indonesia, and PT Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia.

Stockbit also regularly collaborates with the Indonesia Stock Exchange in implementing the Capital Market School (SPM). In August and September 2022, Stockbit collaborated with Sebelas Maret University (UNS) Solo in organizing SPM activities and virtual stock trading competitions with the theme Eleven Market Capital Market Competition (SMCMC) "Go Beyond Your Limits by Starting Unlimited Trading".

This competition was participated by more than 170 teams from D3/D4/S1 students throughout Indonesia and aims to increase interest and increase enthusiasm of students in investing in stocks.

On the other hand, Stockbit continues to echo the 3P (Understand, Have, Monitor) message launched by the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Stockbit continues to intensify its public education and literacy efforts through the Stockbit Academy. Stockbit Academy is Stockbit's commitment to provide opportunities for Indonesian people to learn stocks from scratch professionally from experienced mentors. Anyone, without exception, can access the contents of Stockbit Academy for free.

In various collaborations with educational institutions, professional communities, and other non-profit organizations, the Stockbit team is consistently present to greet the public so that people can invest safely, easily, and seamlessly through the features that Stockbit provides. People who want to be involved in the largest stock discussion community in Indonesia can also access the Stream feature on the Stockbit application and website.

"We are doing these things to ensure that Stockbit can continue to support the efforts of regulators in creating a digital financial ecosystem that prioritizes consumer protection. We will also continue the educational efforts that we have done so far so that people can understand and use financial services in an effective manner, true and responsible," concluded William.

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