
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) is focused on developing Small and Medium Industry (IKM) centers in the country as a strategic effort to strengthen the national industrial structure, open up job opportunities, and increase export value. " “ To make this happen, the Ministry of Industry through the Directorate General of Small, Medium and Multifarious Industries (IKMA) further strengthens institutional capacity, as well as providing facilities at IKM centers so that competitiveness increases," said the Director General of IKMA at the Ministry of Industry, Reni Yanita, in a statement in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, October 26. Reni explained that the existence of IKM centers is able to build sharing knowledge between IKM actors as well as strengthening branding and marketing for products produced by IKM. According to Reni, the development of the IKM center is regulated in Government Regulation Number 29 of 2018 concerning Industrial Empowerment. "In the IKM center, there are administrators, managers, members, and technical service units of the center," he said. The existence of IKM centers, he continued, plays an important role in efforts to spread and equalize the number of IKM throughout Indonesia. The 2020 Indonesian Industrial Centers issued by the Central Statistics Agency stated that the number of IKM centers in Indonesia reached 13,762 with 516,124 business units. This “Industrial Center includes village area boundaries and meets criteria in the form of organization or coaching from ministries/agencies, known to the public, and the minimum number of similar businesses in the village is 20 percent of the number of households in the village,” said Reni. According to him, the IKM center generally describes locations that have raw materials and human resources that are able to fulfill the production process at the industrial level. This means that raw materials are sufficient to create products with certain economic scale considerations, skilled human resources in a fairly large number, and there are several IKM in groups to fill certain production value chains. "The facility for developing IKM centers from both the central and regional governments must be able to bear fruit for the superior products of IKM centers, be it OVOP products, export products, contribution to food security, or as a supply chain for large industries," said Reni. Reni added that activities in efforts to develop IKM centers can synergize with cross-ministerial and institutional programs through the central budget (APBN), regions (APBD), such as the physical and non-physical Special Allocation Fund (DAK) in the field of IKM. Several activities to improve physical facilities and infrastructure, such as the construction of production houses, UPT, packaging houses, machinery and equipment, and others can be proposed by the regions as an effort to create product competitiveness advantages in the IKM center, Reni said. Meanwhile, the physical DAK in the field of IKM consists of two menus, namely the construction of IKM centers and the revitalization of IKM centers. This center revitalization facility, for example, has been used by the Bandar Lampung City Government (Pemkot) to build a Tapis Weaving IKM Center on Jalan Teuku Cik Ditiro, Beringin Jaya Village, Kemiling District. “ Anggaran revitalisasi Gedung Sentra Industri Tenun Tapis Bandar Lampung bersumber dari DAK fisik Kemenperin tahun 2021. Gedung ini merupakan sarana bagi para penwenun untuk meningkatkan kapasitas dan kreatifikasi, serta promosi kain tapis Lampung yang saya harapkan terus menjadi lokasi favorit bagi mereka yang berkembilan di bidang fashion berbasisar wastra Nusantara,” ungkap Reni. The Bandar Lampung City Tapis Industry Center Building has facilities for the UPT office building, management and administration offices, production buildings, promotion center buildings, as well as machinery and equipment and a number of infrastructure facilities. This building is used by 15 IKM Tapis in Bandar Lampung City. "With this revitalization, it is hoped that production houses will be created with good wastewater management and qualified equipment for IKM Tapis Weaving in Bandar Lampung City," said Reni.

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