
JAKARTA Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani provided information regarding the role of the state budget to improve people's welfare. In her statement, the Minister of Finance took the example of the construction of the Ladongi Dam in Southeast Sulawesi which spent no less than IDR 1.2 trillion.

He said, the facility is one of the development agendas included in the National Strategic Project (PSN). Not without reason, the state treasurer said that dams are important supports to maximize Indonesia's potential, especially in the agrarian sector.

Indonesia is a country with so blessed land. Our agriculture thrives as the main foundation of food security," he said via Instagram @smindrawati quoted Wednesday, October 26.

The Minister of Finance explained that the Ladongi Dam has a capacity of 45.9 million cubic meters and an inundation area of 222 hectares and can be used to irrigate 3,604 hectares of land.

"This dam is capable of providing raw water of 120 liters per second and reduces the risk of flooding," he said.

Not only that, but the latest infrastructure facilities in Southeast Sulawesi also have various other uses that provide positive results for the lives of local residents.

The Ladongi Dam has the potential for sources of Micro-hydro Power Plants (PLTMH). The yield is abundant, peaceful and prosperous people," he stressed.

According to VOI records, the government through the Ministry of Finance this year has allocated an infrastructure budget of IDR 365.8 trillion which is focused on the construction of physical and digital facilities.

Meanwhile, for the 2023 period, the infrastructure budget is set to be larger than IDR 392 trillion with five development directions, namely basic infrastructure, access to information technology, supporting economic transformation, IKN, and central synergy with the regions and the private sector.

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