
YOGYAKARTA Online payments are payment systems that refer to digital payments and are made using the internet network. Currently, online payment systems are starting to be popular with the public because they are easy, practical and can minimize transaki errors. So, what are the most popular online payment methods in the country?

Compiled by VOI from various sources, the following are the three most commonly used online payment methods in Indonesia along with their advantages and disadvantages.

1. Bank Transfer

This online payment method can be applied in many ways, starting from the most manual by utilizing ATM, internet banking, and mobile banking machines.

The advantages of online payments with bank transfer methods include:

Deficiencies in bank transfer methods

2. Digital Wallet

Online payment methods with digital wallets may already be heard by business people.

This method is widely applied by online store service providers or e-commerce and offline tokok.

Some of the advantages of transactions with digital wallets include:

Lack of E-wallet Payment Method

3. Credit Card

Payments with credit cards are considered safer and safer for online shopping than debit cards or ATMs. The reason is, credit card publishers have provided it with extra protection, such as Fraud Guard, On-Us Routing, and 3DS Dynamics.

Not only that, but credit cards can also be used for transactions while abroad.

The advantages of online payment methods with credit cards include:

Meanwhile, the shortage of Credit Card Payment Method is:

4. QR Code

Online payment methods with QR (Quick Response) Code or QR code are increasingly used by consumers in transaction activities. Not only that, but there are also many small shops, restaurants, cafes and supermarkets that implement this payment system.

How to make financial transactions with a QR code is also very easy to do. You only need smartphone devices and an internet connection. Meanwhile, the source of funds for the QR Code transaction is, deposits and other payment instruments, in the form of credit cards, debits, or e-money.

The following is an overabundance of the online payment method with QR Code:

Meanwhile, a lack of QR Code Payment Method

Those are the four most popular online payment methods in the country. May it be useful!

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