
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) continues to encourage economic activity for people in border areas. Most recently, through the function of quality assurance (QA), the KKP managed to deliver 9.6 tons of seagrass to Malaysia worth IDR 5.9 billion from Entikong, West Kalimantan.

Head of the Fish Quarantine, Quality Control and Safety of Fishery Products (BKIPM) KKP Khoirul Makmun stated that his party ensures that the safety and quality of these products are in accordance with applicable standards.

"Alhamdulillah, 9.6 tons of seafarers have been successful, we have confirmed the quality and quality before finally being exported to Malaysia," he said in a press statement quoted on Sunday, October 23.

Khoirul explained that the delivery was carried out through the Aruk Cross-Border Post (PLBN), Sambas Regency, West Kalimantan. He said this delivery aims to encourage new economic growth in the country's border areas.

"Of course this shows that border areas also raise hope, especially from the marine and fisheries sector," he said.

Through the delivery of the cultivators, Khoirul hopes that other business actors will be more motivated to participate in exporting. He emphasized that BKIPM Entikong officers will always help and provide excellent service to the community.

In fact, he said his staff was ready to provide technical guidance so that business actors had needed requirements such as health certificates (HC) or health certificates, to hazard analysis and critical control points (HACCP).

"Don't hesitate to export, our fishery potential is extraordinary. I make sure that all export license processing is very easy," he said.

Previously, the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Sakti Wahyu Trenggono, confirmed that he had prepared technical support to support the implementation of five priority programs. In terms of quality guarantee, BKIPM has implemented digital-based QA.

"Quarantine is a matter of national security and sovereignty, preventing the spread of disease," he said

Trenggono added that quarantine and quality control are at the forefront of maintaining the quality of fishery products.

"The quality control remains the domain of the KKP, ensuring that from upstream to downstream and can meet the predetermined standards and qualifications, the KKP has designed a big Blue Economy-themed program," concluded Minister Trenggono.

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