
JAKARTA - Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir ordered Kimia Farma and Indofarma as well as state-owned hospitals to re-examine the terms of medicines.

This step follows the emergence of cases of mysterious acute kidney disorders or acute child injury (AKI).

Erick emphasized that public safety and security must be a top priority in health services in SOEs.

"I have asked Kimia Farma from the start to check medicines, not only cough medicines, but other medicines that must be safe and suitable," said Erick in Jakarta, Friday, October 21.

Furthermore, Erick emphasized that SOEs must be able to provide a sense of security and comfort for the community in accessing health services. Erick also does not want the idea of gaining profit in the current situation, just like during the COVID-19 pandemic.

"We have to talk about safety, so I ask Kimia Farma to really take care so that people who are today struggling to add more are affected by drug issues that even take the lives of Indonesian children," he said.

Erick said that maximum prevention efforts were a concrete form of concern that occurred as a result of the deaths of a number of Indonesian children.

For this reason, Erick encourages Kimia Farma, Indofarma, BUMN Hospital, and Kimia Farma pharmacies to sort types of drugs that have no safe statement yet.

"We have to prepare that thoroughly," said Erick.

Previously, the Ministry of Health had just announced as many as 102 brands of sirop drugs consumed by patients with atypical progressive acute kidney failure (AKI) in Indonesia.

Reporting from the Ministry of Health's statement, the list of 102 sirop drug brands includes Afibramol, Alerfed Syrup, Ambroxol Syr, Amoxisilin, Amoxin, Amoxicilin, Ancetine Syrup, Ancetine DOEN, Apialys Syrup, Azithromycin Syrup, Baby cough Camivita, Caviplex, Cazeti, Cefacef Syrup, Cefspan Syrup, Cetrizin, Colfin Syrup, Cupanol Syrup, Curbexon Syrup, Curviplex Syrup, Depakene, Devosix drop 15 ml, Dextaco Syrup, Domperidan Syrup.

Disudrin-ped, Bribe Syrup, Eritromisin, Etamox Syrup, Fartolin Syrup, Ferro K, Hecosan, Hufabetamine, Hufagrip, Hufamag Plus Syrup, Ibuprofen, Ifarsyl Plus, Imunped Drop, Interzinc, Itamol Syrup, Tazkia Clinic: Paracetamol Syrup, Metropolitanzole Syrup, Muchos Drop, Novachlor Syrup, Nytex, OBH Ane Konidin, Omedom Syrup, Omemox, Pacdin Cough Syrup, Pamol.

Paracetamol Drop and Syrup, Paraflu Syrup, Praxion Syrup, Profiles Syrup, Proris, Proris Greens, Psidii Syrup, Ranivel Syrup, Rhifen, Rhinoofed, Rhinos Junior Syrup, Rhinos Neo Drop, Rosidon, RSKM: Paracetamol Syrup, Sanmol Syrup, Sanprima, Sucralfate, Tempra, Tremenza Syrup, UNIBEBI Cough Syrup, Unibeby drop, Vesperum drop 15 ml, Vestein (Erdostein), Vometa, Yusimox, Zenichlor Syrup, Zinc Drop, Zincpro Syrup, Zibramax, Asam Valproat Sirup, Carsida, Hufabethamine, Renalit, Hufallerzine, Hufagrip.

The list of sirop drugs is the result of a study by the Ministry of Health together with the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) and related professional organizations regarding the incident of AKI in Indonesia since September 2022.

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