
YOGYAKARTA - Gen Z and Millennials' financial problems have been widely discussed in recent times. A study shows that many young people in today's era are experiencing financial problems. There are several users, ranging from lifestyle, FOMO behavior, to not understanding how to manage personal finances.

Financial recording is an important habit that a person needs to have. This habit is a form of financial literacy, is able to manage and manage personal finances. Unfortunately, this habit has not yet been implemented by many young people in Indonesia.

The most common cause in financial problems is not financial planning or financial planning. The main problem is not how much money you have. There are also many rich people who are flooded with wealth who experience financial problems, if they cannot manage them properly..

One way to manage finances is to do bookkeeping. Financial bookkeeping is a regular recording process for every financial activity of your life.

Bookkeeping aims to find out and manage personal financial expenses and budgeting. Everyone needs to do a bookkeeping so that their financial condition is more stable, measurable, and able to plan funds for the future.

There are several ways you can do to create a personal financial book. You need to know and record all your financial assets, see the flow of expenses and income, and draw up a financial target plan.

Here are tips or how to create personal financial books simply and easily.

The first step you have to do is record your income. You can record earnings every month or even in a few months. Note all the money you managed to get, either from full-time work, freelance, business, or investment.

Setelah seluruh pendapatan sudah terdata, selanjutnya Anda perlu mencatat pengeluran. Mencatat pengeluran adalah mencatat seluruh allocation atau pengeluaran Anda dalam waktu satu bulan, bisa dirinci per hari. Dengan catatan ini, Anda jadi bisa membagikan pos-pos biaya kebutuhan per hari dan per bulannya.

Recording expenses is also useful for regulating your financial consumption because there is already a budget. That way, you are not wasteful or forced to use money according to the portion that has been set. You can share expenses in several categories, such as priorities or needs, desires, investments, savings, pocket money, and so on.

The next step you need to do in financial bookkeeping is to make a savings plan. You can set how much percent of the income you want to allocate to savings, for example it can be 20% or 40% of the salary. By recording income and expenses, you know how much funds to save.

In addition, you can also make savings in the near future. This savings is used to buy goods or something you need immediately, such as buying laptops, cars, cellphones, shoes, holidays, and so on. With the target of savings, your saving goal becomes more directed.

Cash flow report is your personal financial monthly cash flow record. This cash flow is a financial activity of income and expenses. You can record cash flow every end of the month or before the turn of the month.

From the entire cash flow of income and expenditure data, you can find out the difference in your net income. In addition, you can also evaluate expenses that if necessary, need to be trimmed or what posts need to be changed.

After all the financial data and targets you know, you just have to do financial bookkeeping. The steps above can also be applied directly in the bookkeeping notes.

You can compile financial bookkeeping using several media, such as Microsoft Excel, Spreadsheet, notes on your cellphone, or use financial applications that are widely available on the playstore.

That's how to make personal financial books and media that can be used. Financial reports are not only for businesses or companies, but are very important for managing and managing everyone's personal finances.

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