
JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) admits that he is optimistic that the Indonesian economy is still quite healthy and safe from the threat of a global recession in 2023.

"In the midst of a crisis, in the midst of a recession, Indonesia in the second quarter still grew 5.44 percent. We must be grateful. We are among the countries that have the highest growth/economic growth among the G20 countries and other countries," Jokowi said as quoted by Antara, Wednesday, October 19.

In addition, relatively controllable inflation at the level of 4.9 percent in the second quarter of 2022, even only to 5.9 percent after the policy of increasing fuel oil prices.

"Please later compared to our inflation with other countries, our growth/growth with economic growth in other countries," said Jokowi.

Then Indonesia's trade balance has a surplus throughout 2022, even at least one year earlier, namely until the last 29 months.

"For 29 months we have continued to have a trade balance surplus. Earlier, Mr. Zul (Zulkifli Hasan) was conveyed by the Minister of Trade from January to September, our surplus reached 39.8 billion US dollars. This is not a small amount. This is also thanks to the hard work of ladies and gentlemen," said Jokowi.

Therefore, Jokowi asked all parties to remain optimistic looking at the existing situation.

"International institutions say that this year will be difficult, next year it will be dark, please other countries. Our country must remain optimistic," said Jokowi.

Nevertheless, Jokowi reminded that optimistic attitude must be accompanied by vigilance.

"You have to be careful, because the storm is difficult to calculate, difficult to predict, difficult to calculate where it will spread, what impact it will have on us," he said.

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