
JAKARTA - Trade Minister Zulkifli Hasan said the synergy between State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) would make an important contribution to efforts to recover the national economy in the midst of various crises.

He also hopes that SOEs will help the country overcome the challenges currently facing the world, namely the threat of a food crisis, an energy crisis, and inflation that can lead to an economic recession.

"The synergy of SOEs with the trade, investment, and industrial sectors will be the key in facing challenges in the world economy, such as the threat of a food crisis and energy crisis, as well as inflation that can lead to an economic recession", said Trade Minister Zulkifli Hasan in a written statement, Tuesday, October 18.

For this reason, he continued, he asked all stakeholders to always be vigilant and ensure that trade, investment, and industry can run as a driving force for economic growth and people's welfare.

"I see that the G20 forum remains the best means to find common solutions in responding to these global challenges", added the Minister of Trade.

Meanwhile, Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir believes that Indonesia will not enter into a recession.

Erick is confident that the Indonesian economy will grow at the level of 5 percent.

Erick's statement followed the World Bank's forecast that there would be a global economic recession in 2023.

"We are not in a recession. So if you are present today, you are lethargic, it means you are taking the wrong position because Indonesia is not in a recession", said Erick, Wednesday, October 12.

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