
JAKARTA - The East Kalimantan Provincial Government is ready to provide budget support regarding the planned construction of Ujoh Airport (bandara) saying, in Mahakam Hulu Regency (Mahulu). This support is a commitment in an effort to open access to inter-regional connections in East Kalimantan, specifically for the youngest district in the East Kalimantan region. "We will allocate a budget for the Ujoh Airport construction project saying Mahakam Ulu," said East Kalimantan Governor Isran Noor when receiving a visit from Mahakam Ulu Regent, Bonifasius Belawan Geh, at the East Kalimantan Governor's Office, Samarinda, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, October 18. Governor Isran said the Ujoh Bilang Airport construction project, Mahulu has an important position. The airport will open connections between regions, especially to Mahulu, considering that transportation facilities to Mahulu still depend on the river route. The journey through the Mahakam River route, it took at least 10 hours. Meanwhile, the condition of the road in the youngest district in East Kalimantan is still inadequate. "Therefore, we support what the Regent of Mahulu said today regarding the progress of the report plan for the Ujoh Bilang Airport construction project," said Isran. According to the proposal submitted by the Mahulu Regency Government, the East Kalimantan Provincial Government, Isran continued, he would allocate a budget of Rp. 100 billion for the construction of the land side of Ujoh Bilang Airport. The East Kalimantan Provincial Government will also help convey to the Ministry of Transportation, so that the project gets priority funding sourced from the state budget regarding the construction of its air side. "I will immediately draft the MoU, God willing, I will convey it to the Ministry of Transportation myself," said Isran. Regent Mahulu Bonifasius Belawan Geh, who was accompanied by the Regional Secretary of Mahulu Regency, Stephanus Madang and the Chairman of the DPRD, Novita Bulan, said his visit to the Governor's Office was to submit reports on the progress of the Ujoh Airport construction project. Tell and hope for the support of the East Kalimantan Provincial Government. "The process and stages that we have carried out are already in stage 20 out of 21 stages," said Bonifasius. He said he was relieved, after hearing and seeing the response of the Governor of East Kalimantan, Isran Noor, who was enthusiastic and asked that the project be immediately built and enjoyed by the people of Mahulu.

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