
JAKARTA - The chairman of the DPD RI, AA LaNyalla Mahmud Mattalitti, said that if each region uses local products and services, economic growth will continue and be stable. This, he said, is an effort to anticipate the world recession which is predicted to occur in 2023.

"That's why I invite regional heads to boost the production of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in their respective regions. The push for regional heads to revive MSMEs with appropriate policies or regulations is an important step," said LaNyalla as written statement received by VOI during a recess in Surabaya, Sunday, October 16.

According to him, if each region does not have readiness from an early age, the economy will collapse by the threat of recession. Of course, the most affected are the lower middle class, not officials.

"This is where it is necessary for regional heads to continue to empower MSMEs in their respective regions so that people still have economic activity," he continued.

LaNyalla also appreciated several regions, one of which was Central Java, which continues to boost the realization of expenditures from the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD) for the use of domestic products.

Senators from East Java said that the quality of local products is still not optimal, but this is certainly the homework of the local government to continue to improve quality, so that in time local products will be able to play in the global market.

"MSMEs must continue to be accompanied by the process, by doing curation so that their quality and continuity can be maintained. Including their sustainability in terms of marketing," said LaNyalla.

LaNyalla also gave an example by the East Java Chamber of Commerce and Industry which opened Curation Houses in several areas in East Java.

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