
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Transportation is preparing cross-border transportation (ALBN) with the Kupang-Dili route, as a follow-up to the MoU on Cross Border Movement of Commercials Buses and Coaches Between Indonesia and Timor Leste.

The plan is that the ALBN route will be operated by Perum Damri.

The MoU was signed by the Minister of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia and the Minister of Transportation and Communication of Timor Leste on 19 July 2022.

Secretary of the Directorate General of Land Transportation, Amirulloh, said that currently the Ministry of Transportation is preparing a standard operating procedure (SOP) which will be used as a guide in the implementation of the MoU between the two parties.

"This is a follow-up to the order of the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Mr. Joko Widodo. Indonesia and Timor Leste have agreed that they will open cross-borders between Kupang and Dili as representatives of Indonesia and Timor Leste. What will happen and have been agreed upon by both parties," said Amirulloh, in an official statement, quoted on Tuesday, October 11.

Amirulloh explained that the presence of cross-border transportation (ALBN) from Indonesia, namely Kupang, NTT to Dili in the Timor Leste area, is part of the RI-Timor Leste collaboration in the transportation sector.

Furthermore, Amirulloh said, on Monday, October 10, a joint trial was conducted with Timor Leste to see at which point it would be at the stop of passengers.

"This is very important because the distance is quite far, more than 9 hours, where according to the rules, if you have been driving for more than 4 hours, then the driver must rest and/or the operator must provide a backup driver. We will see which point can be provided with a place to rest," explained Amirulloh.

According to Amirulloh, the emotional closeness and historical value of bilateral relations between Indonesia and Timor Leste can also facilitate the presence of this ALBN.

"Timor Leste stated that in November 2022 the bus fleet will come to Timor Leste and we will seek to operate as soon as possible this cross-border transportation," he said.

Amirulloh explained that the ALBN that will operate has been agreed to have a minimum service standard.

"Please support the people in Kupang in particular, NTT in general. With the availability of this transportation, it can be used properly so that it can help the mobility of the Indonesian people going to Timor Leste," he concluded.

With the operation of this transportation, said Amirulloh, relations between the two countries of Indonesia and Timor Leste are getting better.

Also present as representatives from Timor Leste were Gaspar de Araujo as Director General of Transportation & Communications of the Ministry of Transportation & Communications Timor-Leste.

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