
JAKARTA - Bank Indonesia (BI) stated that the 9th Indonesia Sharia Economic Festival (ISEF) this year managed to record transactions worth IDR 27.6 trillion.

Deputy Governor of BI Juda Agung said the amount consisted of financing of Islamic financial institutions, transactions between business to business, transactions between business actors and consumers, and exhibition transactions.

"This record is 7 percent larger when compared to the 2021 ISEF which at that time had a transaction value of Rp. 25.8 trillion," he said in a written statement quoted on Monday, October 10.

According to Juda, this good achievement can be realized because of the full support from various parties, both nationally and internationally in the success of the 2022 ISEF event.

"This year's implementation is expected to encourage the recovery of the national economy to achieve stronger, inclusive, and sustainable growth through the development of Islamic economics and finance," he said.

BI itself seeks to make Indonesia the world's modest fashion kiblat, as well as encourage the revival of halal MSMEs and the global halal hub ecosystem through the declaration of the national movement to accelerate halal certification and strengthen ecosystems.

"We clearly want the 2022 ISEF to be able to play a role in driving potential sectors in Islamic economics and finance to grow and develop," he said.

For information, the entire series of ISEF 9th activities in 2022 is focused on encouraging economic recovery and involving various groups.

The 9th ISEF recorded participation of 566,181 participants from FESyar to ISEF 2022 and 4,553 participants from 4 competitions held during this year (Hijrah Preneur 3.0, National Sharia Economic Competition (KESN), Youth Sharia Sociopreneur Competition (YSSC), and Modest Young Designer Competition (MYDC).

In this activity, there are also 106,355 visitors from 92 countries who access the ISEF 2022 website which is calculated from September 1, 2022 to October 9, 2022.

The ISEF 2022 was also attended by 950 business actors (283 offline participants and 667 online participants). In supporting the acceleration of halal certification facilitated by Bank Indonesia involving related partners, until October 2022 1,898 certificates have been issued through a PPH mentoring certification (1,690 certificates) and self-declare (208 certificates).

"All of this aims to be able to encourage the Islamic economic and financial sectors to appear as a significant contributor to national economic growth as well as be able to be reckoned with in the global order," concluded Juda.

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