
JAKARTA - Secretary General of the Ministry of Industry Dody Widodo said that supervision of domestic product spending must be supported by an integrated data system, so that supervision can be carried out optimally.

"Everything must be supported by a data integration system properly, from the planning system to the monitoring system, because this concerns a very large amount of money," said Dody, quoted by Antara, Monday, October 10.

According to Dody, the total budget allocation of Rp2,714 trillion for central and regional government expenditures needs to benefit national development and welfare.

"Imagine if we only get a very small portion and supervision doesn't work, this will continue and will not benefit national development," said Dody,

Dody explained that monitoring the use of domestic products cannot only be carried out by one institution. Based on the mandate in Government Regulation Number 29 of 2018 concerning Industrial Empowerment, supervision of the use of domestic products has been started since the planning period.

Since planning, procurement officials have been required to use domestic products if there are products with a Domestic Content Level (TKDN) and Company Benefit Weights (BMP) value of more than 40 percent.

To support this, continued Dody, the Ministry of Industry facilitates the inventory list of real-time goods on the link in the recapitulation tab section.

On the site, there is a list of TKDN certified goods and a list of companies as well as production capacity that have been registered with the National Industrial Information System (SIINas).

"With this real-time data, anyone, both procurement officials and the Team for Increasing the Use of Domestic Production (P3DN), can monitor the availability of domestic products," said Doddy.

In addition, the Ministry of Industry is also active in interconnecting data with information systems belonging to Ministries, Institutions, Regional Governments, and State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN), so that the monitoring system can continue by utilizing existing TKDN certificate data.

Some information systems are currently connected to data on the website, including the e-catalog of the Government Goods Procurement Policy Institute (LKPP) which has been connected since 2019, the Ministry of Energy and Minepedia since 2020, and the Information System for the Goods Import Plan (SI-RB) of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources since 2020.

In addition, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources' Appreciation for Domestic Products has been connected since 2021, and the Information System for Sustainable Professibility Development (SIMPKB) of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology which has been connected since 2021.

Dody hopes that more data will be related to the purchase of domestic products from ministries and institutions connected to the SIINas Ministry of Industry system, so that the monitoring system runs optimally.

"The rules already exist. Actually, this needs to open all of us eyes so that we realize that shopping with local ingredients will be very beneficial for national development," said Dody.

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