
JAKARTA - PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) has tightened supervision of subsidized fertilizers in real time through digitalization to support the government to improve subsidized fertilizer policy management. Director of Pupuk Indonesia Business Transformation Panji Winanteya Ruky said that the digital transformation of Pupuk Indonesia was in line with the direction of SOE Minister Erick Tohir to transform and implement digitalization. Pupuk Indonesia has carried out digital transformation in every line of business, starting from production to distribution at the kiosk level. “ The government through a subsidized fertilizer working group is improving governance and integrating subsidized fertilizer planning and distribution systems. Pupuk Indonesia plays its role by implementing supply chain digitization from producer warehouses to farmers,” said Panji, quoted from Antara, Friday 7 October. In this improvement ecosystem, he continued, the concrete thing that Pupuk Indonesia does is the implementation of the Distribution Planning & Control System (DPCS). This technology is able to oversee the distribution of subsidized fertilizers in real time. In addition, it can also provide sales data, allocation of subsidized fertilizers, warehouse capacity, distributor information and kiosks, to contact with distribution and marketing staff. “ With DPCS, we can track the presence of fertilizers starting from manufacturers, while on ships or ports, land travel, even being able to find out the amount of stock in warehouses in all regions in real time,&rdquo said. In addition to DPCS, another effort from Pupuk Indonesia to support the improvement of subsidized fertilizer governance is through the Retail Management System (RMS) kiosk application or Partner application. This application can simplify the process of redeeming subsidized fertilizer by farmers, because the Partner application can be integrated with Himbara's Farmer Card and E-RDKK belonging to the Ministry of Agriculture. Through the Partner application, Pupuk Indonesia can also monitor the number of stocks in kiosks in real time, be able to operate offline in remote areas, and various other advantages. <quo;So that all activities in this Partner application can be traced, because there are digital traces, and in the end can increase transparency and accountability of subsidized fertilizer distribution,” explained Panji. To date, the Partner application has been tested in all regions in the province of Bali, and in the future it will be tested in several areas in the province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD), the province of DI Yogyakarta, and the province of East Java. After going through the evaluation stage, the plan is that in 2023 Pupuk Indonesia will increase gradually to be implemented to all full Pupuk Kios throughout Indonesia. Not only in the supply chain, the digital transformation of Pupuk Indonesia has also been running in all business lines. Starting from the application of analytics data, digitizing operations and maintenance of factories through the Digifert application, the Track & Trace system to trace fertilizer packaging, to the downstream sector there is an iFarms digital platform to record farmer data, land data, funding, cultivation status, and integrated with other agricultural stakeholders. “ We are also starting to implement development farming and digital drones to help farmers know the right fertilization recommendations,” said Panji.

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