
MAKASSAR - Economic recovery after the COVID-19 pandemic has supported investment in the property sector as the main choice among the upper middle class.

"Propery investment is still an alternative or interesting choice compared to gold for the community," said property entrepreneur Sharif Benjamin who is also the Director of PT Summarecon Agung Tbk in a press statement quoted by Antara, Wednesday, October 5.

He said property is still a very interesting investment compared to gold, as property prices are always rising and safer, while gold is unstable following global conditions.

In addition to property is relatively safe, he said, property also has more value because it provides "passive income" for its owners.

This is reflected in the development of property purchases from year to year, including during the COVID-19 pandemic, home sales are still growing.

One example, said Benjamin, Summarecon Mutiara Makassar which was developed on an area of 500 hectares has been equipped with various facilities that have always been the target of potential buyers.

The reason is, until now, Summarecon Mutiara Makassar's fans belonging to the conglomerate Soetjipto Nagaria continue to grow, especially since the bank interest offered is quite low, so they can compete with other developers.

Meanwhile, the chairman of the South Sulawesi REI DPD M Sadiq previously said that the sale of South Sulawesi's special property in Makassar during the pandemic alone in the fourth quarter of 2020 was growing again.

Especially when the new normal recovery or adaptation, the property sector improved again with a growth of around 20 percent.

Sadiq hopes that in the future the property sector will continue to improve, considering that the housing needs continue to grow along with the increase in residents with the new family head after the wedding.

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