
JAKARTA - PT Sawit Sumbermas Sarana Tbk (SSMS) plantation issuer through an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders (EGMS) appointed former Financial Services Authority (OJK) official Hoesen to be the company's independent commissioner.

Hoesen has served as Chief Executive of the Capital Market Supervisor and concurrently Member of the OJK Board of Commissioners for the 2017-2022 period.

SSMS CEO Nasarudin bin Nasir said Hoesen's experience as a former regulator will help the company to be more competitive in the palm oil industry and strengthen its commitment to uphold compliance in maintaining corporate governance.

"The company warmly welcomes Hoesen's presence as part of the SSMS Board of Commissioners. We hope that his experience and insight in the financial industry can guide and lead the company to other achievements in the future", said Nasarudin in his statement quoted by Antara, Monday, October 3.

Before becoming a member of the OJK DK, Hoesen led PT Danareksa as a director for two years.

Hoesen has also worked at the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) as Director of Company Valuation for the period 2012-2015.

Hoesen was appointed as an independent commissioner of SSMS replacing Marzuki Usman.

"The company also greatly appreciates the services and work of Marzuki Usman during his tenure as an independent commissioner of SSMS", said Nasarudin.

Hoesen said he would try his best to carry out his mandate as an independent commissioner of SSMS and uphold the values of governance and commitment to sustainable business.

With the current composition of the board of commissioners, continued Nasarudin, SSMS will continue to increase its commitment to running a sustainable business.

"Not only emphasizes profit alone, but SSMS also maintains the biodiversity of the environment and living things in each of its operational areas", said Nasarudin.

The composition of the board of commissioners and directors of SSMS is as follows:

board of Commissioners

President Commissioner: Bungaran Saragih

Commissioner: Rimbung Situmorang

Independent Commissioner: Hoesen


President Director: Nasarudin bin Nasir

Director: Jap Hartono

Director: M Syafril Harahap

Reporter : Citro Atmoko

Editor : Click Dewanto

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