
PALEMBANG - Pertamina EP found a gas reserve of 15.72 million cubic feet per day (MMSCFD) in Penukal Abab Lematang Ilir (PALI) Regency, South Sumatra (Sumsel), in exploration activities carried out in Ladang Adera.

General Manager of Pertamina Hulu Rokan Zona 4 Agus Amperianto said that in Ladang Adera, gas reserves and condensates were found, precisely at the Benuang BNG-B1 Well point in Benuang Village, Talang Ubi District, PALI Regency.

His party found gas of 15.72 MMSCFD from the initial target of 2 MMSCFD or 786 percent of the target. In addition, BNG-B1 wells also produced condensate production of 329 BYO from the initial target of 150 BBaE or achieved 220 percent of the target. Equivalently, 3.111 BOEPD hydrocarbon reserves were also found from the initial target of 496 BOEPD or 627 percent of the target.

The drilling of BNG-B1 wells is also estimated to increase the gas reserves of Block B Benuang by 103.64 BSCF (billion standard cubic feet) and oil reserves by 8.91 MMBo (million barrels) so that it opens up opportunities for the development of the Benuang structure.

"The success of the drilling target is also inseparable from the Company's Work Plan and Budget (RKAP) in terms of production operations, exploration and development that prioritizes safety aspects," Agus said in his statement, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, September 27.

He further said that the BNG-B1 well drilling process was completed on August 14, 2022, with a work duration of 47 calendar days or faster than the initial target for 61 days. That way, efficiency is obtained in terms of time and cost.

With a total gross revenue from gas sales of 155,810 US dollars per day and drilling investments of 6.07 million US dollars, investment returns can be achieved in 40 days, Agus said.

Through the implementation of the Spirit of SUMATERA (Sustainable, Massive, To grow, Efficiency, Resilient, Aggressive) it is hoped that the success of this drilling will be sustainable so that energy supply in Indonesia can be met amid the existing reduction in oil and gas field production.

According to him, the success of this drilling is also due to the role of SKK Migas Representative for Southern Sumatra (Sumbagsel), Adera Field workers, contractors and company partners as well as the government who have supported Pertamina EP's exploration and production activities in Ladang Adera.

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