
JAKARTA - Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani Indrawati submitted a proposal to Commission XI of the DPR to provide additional State Capital Participation (PMN) of IDR 15.5 trillion in cash funds for the 2022 Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN) financing.

According to the Minister of Finance, the budget is planned to be injected into three SOEs, namely Garuda Indonesia at IDR 7.5 trillion, Hutama Karya (HK) at IDR 7.5 trillion, and Bank Tanah at IDR 500 billion.

"For Garuda, it will be used to meet the needs of maintenance, restoration, maintenance rescue, and Garuda working capital," he said, quoted on Friday, September 23.

The Minister of Finance added that this PMN was given through the Pre-emptive Rights (HMETD) scheme and given after a peace agreement was made with creditors which had been ratified through a homologation decision.

"So PMN entered after the balance sheet, Garuda was relatively more manageable, and negotiations with creditors had been carried out and had been ratified in the decision of the homologation court," he said.

In addition to cash PMN, there are also non-cash PMNs or PMN State Property (BMN) either in the form of land or in the form of other assets regulated in Article 46 of Law (UU) Number 1 of 2004 concerning the state treasury.

Then, Government Regulation (PP) Number 28 of 2020, as well as Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) Number 111/PMK.06/2016.

"For non-cash, SOEs that also get it are Bio Farma, Hutama Karya, AirNav Indonesia, PPD, Varuna Tirta Prakasya, PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry, Pertamina, and PT Sejahtera Eka Graha," he said.

Kemudian, Menkeu juga menyebut jika biofarma mendapatkan berupa peralatan dan bangunan eksilitas flu burung yang akan dimanfaatkan untuk fasilitas produksi produksi vaksin dan alat diagnostic penyakit.

"For Sejahtera Eka Graha, this Rp558.617 billion is to obtain land for ex-BPPN property assets to increase the value of these assets, and to create a multiplier effect on the Bogor economy and the development of the Bogor Raya Lake area," closed the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani.

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