
JAKARTA - The General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) of PLN decided to make changes to the nomenclature, appointment and dismissal of the Board of Directors and Commissioner of PT PLN (Persero). The decision was contained in the Decree of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) number SK-212/MBU/09/2022 and number SK-213/MBU/09/2022 on September 21, 2022.

In this decision, the composition of the new PLN Board of Directors is as follows:

The composition of the Board of Directors of PLN1. President Director: Darmawan Prasodjo2. Director of Distribution: Adi Priyanto3. Director of Corporate Planning and Business Development: Hartanto Wibowo4. Director of Legal and Human Capital Management: Yusuf Didi Setiarto5. Director of Generation Management: Adi Lumakso6. Finance Director: Sinthya Roesly7. Director of New Renewable Project and Energy Management: Wiluyo Kusdwiharto8. Director of System Transmission and Planning: Evy Haryadi9. Retail and Niaga Director: Edi Srimulyanti

The decision also honorably dismissed Haryanto WS as Director of Regional Business for Java, Madura and Bali and Bob Saril as Director of Commerce and Customer Management.

In addition, the GMS also appointed Dadan Kusdiana as Commissioner and honorably dismissed Rida Mulyana as Commissioner.

The composition of the PLN commissioners is:

1. President Commissioner: Amien Sunaryadi2. Vice President Commissioner: Suahasil Nazara3. Commissioner: Mohamad Ikhsan4. Commissioner: Dudy Purwagandhi5. Commissioner: Eko Sulistyo6. Commissioner: Tedy Bharata7. Commissioner: Susiwijono Moegiarso8. Commissioner: Dadan Kusdiana9. Independent Commissioner: Alex Iskandar10. Independent Commissioner: Charles Sitorus

"The PLN Family expresses its gratitude for the dedication that has been given by Rida Mulyana as Commissioners and Haryanto WS and Bob Saril as Directors of PLN, and congratulates on duty and will fully support all levels of Commissioners and Directors," said Executive Vice President of Corporate Communications and CSR PLN Gregorius Adi Trianto in his official statement, Tuesday, September 21.

According to him, changing Directors is a common thing and part of efforts to improve the company's performance, especially in supporting PLN's restructuring through Holding and Subholding.

"PLN continues to be committed to transforming to provide the best and excellent service for all customers in the country," he concluded.

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