Preventing More Pinjol Victims, This Is A Prevention Step By SWI
Chairman of the Investment Alert Task Force (SWI) Tongam L. Tobing. (photo: Instagram tomm_tobing)


JAKARTA - Chairman of the Investment Alert Task Force (SWI) Tongam L. Tobing revealed that his party was taking many steps to prevent more victims of illegal online loans (pinjol). One of them is by cooperating with Google and the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo).

"We are also collaborating with Google and Kominfo to conduct daily cyber patrols. So Kominfo conducts a harian patrol that conveys that there are entities that are suspected of offering illegal loans," he said when met in Jakarta, Saturday, September 17.

In addition to collaborating with ministries and institutions, OJK has also collaborated with public transportation such as KRL and MRT to provide education through public service advertisements.

"But the most important thing is that people understand that don't borrow and don't access from illegal loans because it will be very dangerous," he said.

Meanwhile, for people who have become victims of illegal loans, the Financial Services Authority (OJK) has opened a complaint post for victims of online loans. The post, which is named Warung Waspada Online, also cooperates with the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs and Bareskrim.

"We have opened a Pinjol Alert Warung to accommodate all public complaints, especially in Jakarta related to illegal loans," Tongam added.

Regarding the complaint time, the Pinjol Alert Warung located at The Gade Coffee and Gold Kebun Sirih, will be opened every Friday in the second and fourth week at 09.00-11.00 WIB.

Not only in Jakarta, Tongam continued, currently there are 45 Regional SWI Work Teams that have coordinated with 12 Ministries and Institutions to take preventive measures and handle alleged unlawful acts in the field of community fundraising and investment management.

For those who want to make a complaint, Tongam added, the victim of pinjol only needs to bring screenshots of illegal loan proof of intimidation. Just so you know, until August 2022 SWI has stopped 426 illegal lending entities, including 5 illegal pawns and 71 illegal investments.

SWI noted that the number of illegal loans has decreased since 2019, which amounted to 1,493 illegal loans, then in 2020 1,026 illegal loans were stopped, and in 2021 there were 811 illegal loans.

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