JAKARTA - Vehicles carrying mining products and oil palm plantations are required to use non-subsidized fuel oil (BBM), including in Central Kalimantan.
According to regulations, the transportation of mining products and the palm oil industry must use non-subsidized fuel, said Area Manager of Communication and CSR PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional Kalimantan, Susanto August Satria.
"He cannot use subsidized fuel. He must be non-subsidized fuel or industrial fuel," he said, quoted from Antara, Saturday, September 17.
Pertamina continues to try to oversee so that the distribution of subsidized fuel is right on target. So far, people often complain about getting subsidized fuel even though the supply from Pertamina is normal, sometimes even exceeding the quota.
For this reason, efforts continue to be made so that subsidized fuel is truly enjoyed by those who are entitled. Transportation of company activities, including mining products and the palm oil industry such as fresh fruit bunches or palm oil (CPO), must use non-subsidized fuel.
Even if the truck or transportation fleet does not belong to a mining or plantation company, but belongs to a third party or transporter, then the fuel used must still use non-subsidized fuel or industrial fuel.
He emphasized that the important point of the regulation is in its designation and activities, not about the fleet used. Even if the truck used belongs to the transporter, but if it is used to transport mining products or the palm oil industry, it is mandatory to use non-subsidized fuel.
"If the transporter still doesn't heed the regulation, then this transporter must be brought under control. And the transporter service user must be given socialization," he said.
Pertamina asked large private mining and plantation companies that use transport services to also support the enforcement of this rule. The trick is to require transportation who are their partners to use non-subsidized fuel.
"This should not be allowed. Things like this make subsidies break. Sometimes they use subsidized fuel contracts," said Satria.
According to the authority, Pertamina has also given directions to all gas stations to increase supervision. The gas station must firmly refuse to fill subsidized fuel to fleets that are not included in the group of vehicles that have the right to enjoy subsidized fuel.
Pertamina ensures that it will take action if there are gas stations that are proven to have violated the rules. Based on data, in the last five months there have been seven gas stations in Central Kalimantan whose subsidized fuel supply has been stopped because it was proven to have violated the rules.
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