
JAKARTA - The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) reported that the trade balance from January to August 2022 reached US$34.9 billion. This amount almost matched the trade balance surplus throughout 2021 which amounted to US$35.3 billion.

Deputy for Distribution and Services Statistics BPS Setianto said the total export development until August 2022 was US$194.6 billion, an increase of 35.42 percent compared to the same period 2021.

"Meanwhile, imports amounted to 159.6 billion US dollars," he said when giving a presentation to reporters on Thursday, September 15.

Setianto detailed that non-oil and gas exports from the processing industry from January to August 2022 rose 24.03 percent compared to the same period in 2021, as well as exports of agricultural, forestry, and fishery products rose 17.14 percent, as well as exports of mining products and others rose 97.40 percent.

The largest non-oil and gas exports in August 2022 are to China, which is 6.16 billion US dollars, followed by the United States 2.59 billion US dollars and India 2.47 billion US dollars, with the third contribution reaching 42.84 percent. Meanwhile, exports to ASEAN and the European Union (27 countries) amounted to 4.77 billion US dollars and 2.30 billion US dollars, respectively," he said.

According to the province of origin, Indonesia's largest exports in January-August 2022 came from West Java with a value of 6.02 billion US dollars (13.37 percent), East Kalimantan 23.41 billion US dollars (12.03 percent) and East Java 16.96 billion US dollars (8.71 percent).

Meanwhile, for imports, the three largest suppliers of non-oil and gas imported goods during January-August 2022 were China US$ 44.59 billion (33.77 percent), Japan 11.35 billion US dollars (8.60 percent), and Thailand 7.68 billion US dollars (5.82 percent).

Then, non-oil and gas imports from ASEAN of 22.60 billion US dollars (17.12 percent) and the European Union of 7.35 billion US dollars (5.56 percent).

"According to the category of use of goods, the value of imports from January to August 2022 against the same period the previous year saw an increase in consumption goods of US$666.1 million (5.65 percent), raw materials/auxiliary material of US$30.53 billion (32.82 percent), and capital goods of US$5.46 billion (30.97 percent)," Setianto concluded.

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