
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) projects that the cash-intensive program (PKT) for the 2020-2022 period absorbs 2.89 million workers. This number increased by 785,256 people from the 2020-2021 period.

PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono said the PKT program was carried out through infrastructure development involving the local community, especially small-scale infrastructure or simple jobs that did not require technology.

"In addition to accelerating economic recovery and increasing people's purchasing power, PKT also aims to distribute funds to villages or remote areas," he said in his statement quoted by Antara, Tuesday, September 13.

The main work of the PKT includes the development of people's infrastructure that supports the productivity of rural communities such as increasing small-scale irrigation, repairing environmental roads, subsidized houses, handling slum areas, as well as improving the quality of drinking water and sanitation.

In 2022, a budget of IDR 14.84 trillion has been budgeted with a target of 785,256 employment people to deal with the impact of global uncertainty that has the potential to cause inflation.

The details of the allocation are SDA worth Rp4.21 trillion with a target of 273,946 workers, roads and bridges of Rp4.40 trillion with a target of 57,544 workers, settlements of Rp2.21 trillion with 67,886 workers, and housing of Rp4.01 trillion with 385,880 workers.

Until September 2022, the realization of PKT reached 63.54 percent or Rp9.43 trillion with a total workforce absorbed of 557,907 people. That way, the total employment since 2020-September 2022 has reached 2.66 million people.

It is noted that the achievements of the 2020-2021 PKT program have absorbed 2,103,069 workers with a budget of IDR 34.35 trillion.

In detail, PKT in the field of water resources (SDA) absorbed 612,673 workers with a budget of Rp9.70 trillion, roads and bridges absorbed 333,888 workers worth Rp8.89 trillion, residential areas absorbed 586,731 workers with a budget of Rp8.07 trillion, and housing absorbed 569,777 workers with a budget of Rp7.67 trillion.

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