
JAKARTA - Pertamina President Director Nicke Widyawati revealed that he would build special gas stations in fishing villages.

The reason is, so far the fishermen have difficulty getting subsidized diesel.

"For fishermen, we have started to cooperate with fishermen's cooperatives throughout Indonesia. We will start and we have a target for the next 3 months," said Nicke in the RDP with Commission VI of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Thursday, September 8.

Nicke added, for the next three months, the opening of this special pertasop for fishermen is focused on several priority areas.

"Because of this, cooperatives are a kind of special pertashop for fishermen where later by name by address they are members of the cooperative so the quota can be calculated," continued Nicke.

Nicke further explained that the problem that Pertamina is currently facing is that his party cannot distinguish whether the buyer who comes with a recommendation letter is a fisherman or not so that Pertamina will soon build a special Pertashop for fishermen.

"It's a bit difficult to distinguish whether fishermen are fishermen or not, as long as they are holding billboards, they must be given because the regulations are like that," he added.

He hopes that with the construction of special gas stations for fishermen, the distribution of subsidized fuel for the community can be more effective and more targeted.

Previously, Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs Teten Masduki said his party would cooperate with the Ministry of SOEs to launch the Solar Program for Fisherman Cooperatives.

The program will be implemented by Lhoknga (Aceh), Deli Serdang (North Sumatra), Indramayu (West Java), Pekalongan (Central Java), Semarang (Central Java), Surabaya (East Java), and East Lombok (West Nusa Tenggara).

Teten explained that the Solar Program for Fishermen's Cooperatives aims to ensure that groups of fishermen can buy diesel according to gas stations, not the highest retail price that can reach Rp. 10,000 per liter.

"60 percent of fishermen's production (for costs) diesel, will be affected. We will test it in seven places until December (2022). We will use a mini Pertashop (for diesel distribution), and subsidy recipients (will be verified) by name and address (from name and address)," said Teten.

Teten said the increase in fuel prices was a momentum for the government to improve diesel supply to fishing groups.

"We have to repair the supply so that later the supply will come from Pertamina with fishermen's cooperatives in fishing villages," said Teten Masduki.

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