
JAKARTA - Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir plans to pay a bonus for the directors of state-owned companies for three years.

The goal is to sustain the responsibility of running the company even during the change of directors.

"We have a meeting within the ministry that the bonus in the future is proposed not to be paid in advance. But it must be paid in installments of 2 to 3 years. So it relates to the next directors," he told reporters, Thursday, September 8.

Erick explained that in order for improvements in the work program at state-owned companies to be sustainable, he is also designing a blacklist system for the board of directors involved in cases that are against the law.

Regarding this, he admitted that he had invited BPKP and the Prosecutor's Office to realize this idea.

"I still encourage there is a blacklist of names that are clearly included in cases. I have spoken to BPKP, the Attorney General's Office. This part also re-enforces and restores SOEs," he said.

Erick said that there are directors of a number of SOEs who always pursue bonuses. In fact, he said, the policies taken actually harm the company.

Because of this, his party plans to extend the search period for bonuses for state-owned companies.

"That's why one of them is a bonus, sometimes the directors chase bonuses, I want to extend the bonus, so it's not directly that year. For example, it's been paid in installments for 3 years, so it will continue to 2nd year, next because he knows it's not taking policies, the bonuses are taken," he said.

Erick did not deny that there was a state-owned company that suddenly'sick', even though it had been healthy. This condition will occur when SOEs lose competition and there are no changes in the business model.

The phenomenon is normal in business. However, he pressured the company not to get sick again, if it had been healthy.

"When SOEs have been healthy, then sick again or maybe healthy suddenly become sick, there are two things, one because they lose competition, maybe the old model business can't compete anymore, that's something normal, but what can't be if you are healthy becomes sick or for example those who are sick become healthy, then get sick again," he said.

Erick admitted that he would not hesitate to dissolve SOEs if they were proven sick and did not provide benefits to the state and society.

Therefore, Erick asked Commission VI of the DPR RI to oversee the Draft Law on SOEs so that the process of guarding the company's business is easy to do.

"For example, there are companies that are dividends, there are companies that need assistance, so far the mechanism is long, so we try to synchronize the RRU of SOEs," he said.

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