
JAKARTA - SOE Minister Erick Thohir confirmed that PT Pertamina (Persero) will revise non-subsidized fuel prices (BBM) when world oil prices drop. Erick said Pertamina would not seek profit in the midst of the difficulties faced by the community.

"Well, the question is that if the price of fuel goes down, yes, there must be a price revision. It is impossible for Pertamina to seek maximum profit when the people are difficult, it is impossible," said Erick at the Senayan Parliament Complex, Jakarta, Thursday, September 8.

Furthermore, Erick explained that the decline in the price of Pertamax fuel in the future also depends on the subsidy value provided by the government or price difference.

"The price of fuel is down, yes, there must be a revision. But it depends on the value of the subsidy that is still being given, if today Pertamax is IDR 2,500," he explained.

Even so, said Erick, this will continue to provide dryness for small business actors so that they can get affordable fuel. He said, the government also provides programs that can be directly felt by the community.

For example, continued Erick, his party cooperated with other ministries to provide programs to fishermen's cooperatives to get cheap fuel.

Erick admitted that he also received a call from President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to provide cheap fuel assistance to farmers.

"Mr. President called earlier, please think about the farmer as well. I said okay, just wait for the fisherman next week in Cilacap. Now what the farmer must think is that we must think about fuel right on target," he explained.

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