
JAKARTA - The government through the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) stated that the allocation of the transportation sector social assistance (bansos) budget for motorcycle taxi drivers and public transportation is fully distributed through local governments (Pemda).

Director General of Fiscal Balance at the Ministry of Finance Astera Primanto Bhakti said the local government would receive a General Transfer Fund (DTU) disbursement from the center consisting of General Allocation Funds (DAU) and Revenue Sharing Funds (DBH).

Of the two instruments, local governments are required to issue 2 percent to be distributed to the public as social assistance in connection with the occurrence of adjustments to fuel oil prices (BBM).

"This local government is given the authority to make programs so that the impact of inflation is not directly felt by the community, and of course this also uses the data that has been tested," he said in a written statement on Thursday, September 8.

Astera detailed the amount of DTU calculated in the amount of DAU distribution in October-December 2022 and distribution of DBH in the fourth quarter of the Fiscal Year of 2022.

"Regions are required to submit a budget realization report which is also a requirement for the distribution of DAU and DBH no later than September 15, 2022," he said.

This means that if the local government is late in providing reports as determined, it will be too late to disburse funds from the center.

"Through the synergy of handling social protection between the center and the regions, people affected by inflation in the energy sector can be helped and state money can be felt by people in need," said Astera.

For information, the mandate to the regional government is not only targeting the transportation sector but also MSMEs, fishermen, and efforts to create jobs through labor-intensive programs.

In total, the calculation of 2 percent of the budget for all regions will amount to Rp2.17 trillion, which is expected to maintain people's purchasing power and become a cushion for price increases.

The effectiveness of implementing social assistance is also very much needed. For this reason, the management and monitoring of the implementation of expenditures must be carried out by regional heads and also supervised by the internal supervisory apparatus of the regional government," concluded the Director General of Fiscal Balance Astera Primanto Bhakti.

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