
JAKARTA - The Financial Services Authority (OJK) is said to continue to make financial education efforts to the public in the context of carrying out consumer protection tasks.

Recently, the authorities conducted socialization to capital market investors through the official social media channel.

The Chief Executive of Supervision of the OJK Capital Market, Inarno Djajadi, explained that the number of investors in the Indonesian capital market until mid-August 2022 had reached 9.45 million investors.

According to him, this figure has more than doubled since the last five years.

Interestingly, the majority of these investors come from young people who are considered to still need a more in-depth understanding of financial literacy comprehensively.

"Almost 60 percent of investors in the capital market are millennials and Gen Z who are under 30 years old," he said on Wednesday, September 7.

Inarno added that many investment instruments in the capital market can actually bring benefits if they are able to manage risk correctly, such as stocks, mutual funds, securities crowdfunding, and others.

"For this reason, investors must understand how we can get into the capital market sector," he said.

In Inarno's explanation, at least investors need to understand four very basic important things. First, every investment has its benefits and risks.

Second, don't be easily tempted by investment offers that promise definite, high and fast profits.

"Third, make sure the product and party offering the investment has a permit from the OJK by checking the legality of the OJK 157 contact," he said.

And the last is investment using cold money or more money. Do not use daily necessities and do not borrow to invest because investment can lose while the installments are certain.

"Let's cool OJK, we become smart and wise investors," concluded Inarno Djadjadi.

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