JAKARTA - The Intercity Interprovincial (AKAP) Otobus (PO) company at the Pulo Gebang Integrated Terminal, East Jakarta, was asked not to increase fares beyond the specified upper limit.
The Coordinator of the Pulo Gebang Terminal Operations and Partnerships Implementing Unit (Korsatpel) Hendra Kurniawan said his party had reminded the owner of the AKAP bus PO regarding this.
"I am still collecting data on how many percent the increase will be. The tariff that determines the policy is in the Ministry of Transportation," said Hendra Kurniawan, quoted from Antara, Monday, September 5.
By regulation, said Hendra, the government can only set the upper limit tariff and lower limit tariff for economy class.
As for the non-economy class, it follows the market price.
This is because each AKAP bus PO offers different facilities for each fleet.
"On average, the buses at Pulo Gebang Terminal are non-economy (classes) whose fares are adjusted to market prices," said Hendra.
AKAP Bus Fares Increased by IDR 20,000

One of the AKAP bus POs at the Pulo Gebang Integrated Terminal, East Jakarta, namely PT Gunung Mulia Putera, has raised ticket prices for routes across East Java and Central Java.
An employee of PT Gunung Mulia Putera PO Bus, Hendry (53) said the fare increase ranged from IDR 20,000 to IDR 30,000 per passenger.
"For the price increase, the difference depends on the distance of the location," said Hendry.
Previously, the government raised the price of subsidized Pertalite fuel to IDR 10,000 per liter from the previous IDR 7,650 per liter, Saturday, September 3 at 14.30 WIB.
Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arifin Tasrif said the government also raised the price of subsidized fuel for diesel from IDR 5,150 per liter to IDR 6,800 per liter.
For non-subsidized fuel, namely Pertamax, it increased from IDR 12,500 per liter to IDR 14,500 per liter.
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