
MANOKWARI - The price of Petalite type fuel oil (BBM) at the retail level of the Manokwari area, West Papua, reached a price of Rp. 20,000 from the previous Rp. 15,000 per bottle of mineral water.

One of the retail fuel sellers in Manokwari Salim admitted that he had started raising prices since a decision was made regarding the adjustment to fuel prices, Saturday, September 3.

"For Pertalite, one bottle of 1.5 liter mineral water is not fully priced at Rp. 20,000 and the other is half Rp. 15,000, Pertamax costs Rp. 27,000 with the same content," he said, quoted from Antara, Sunday, September 4.

However, said Salim, retail traders are having trouble getting Pertalite type fuel, because the supply is more often empty.

"It is difficult to get pertalite to queue, so sometimes our stock is empty and only sells Pertashops that can be obtained," he continued.

Meanwhile, another retail fuel trader Maikel admitted that he had raised the selling price of Pertalite and Pertamax before the President's official announcement.

"The price of pertalite is already expensive because getting subsidized fuel is difficult, so we sell more than the price at the gas station (SPBU)," he said.

He considered that the price increase should be accompanied by the ease of getting fuel, so there were no complaints from the public.

"If it's expensive but it's easy, it's definitely not a problem," he said.

As is known, Pertamina adjusts the price of subsidized and non-subsidized fuel throughout Indonesia.

Pertalite's price adjustment was Rp. 10,000 from the previous Rp. 7,650 per liter, and Pertamax was Rp. 14,850 from the previous Rp. 12,750 per liter.

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