
JAKARTA - The Land Transport Organization (Organda) has ensured that public transport rates will soon increase. The rate of increase can reach 25 percent.

Secretary General (Sekjen) of the Land Transport Organization (Organda), Ateng Aryono explained the increase in tariffs following the price of fuel oil (BBM) subsidies for the types of Pertalite and Solar which also rose.

Ateng explained that the Organda members 100 percent consumed subsidized fuel.

So, according to Ateng, it is very natural that the public transport rate is also corrected due to the increase in fuel prices.

"The name fuel goes up, we are users of 100 percent subsidized fuel. Almost 100 percent of our fleet is users. Now, if it goes up, it's only natural, right. If it goes up, we will go up the best. We can't absorb this, but we have to miss it, we will continue to be a tariff," said Ateng to VOI, Sunday, September 4.

Ateng said that currently, Organda is discussing the increase in public transport rates. However, he estimates that the increase could reach 25 percent.

"At least (the tariff is) 10 percent. But if I estimate it, because other components are also high, it can be 20 to 25 percent," he said.

On this occasion, Ateng admitted that he had written to the Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi and the Provincial Transportation Service regarding the increase in public transport rates as a result of the increase in fuel prices.

For your information, the determination of guidelines for adjusting tariffs for various modes of economic class road transportation varies according to the level. The Ministry of Transportation for inter-city transportation between provinces (AKAP) is an economic class, the Provincial Transportation Service for intercity cities in the province (AKDP) is an economic and taxi class, the District/City Transportation Service for Urban and rural transportation.

"We have asked, and automatically they must be able to be proactive. This is the government and the government must do it. We hope so," he said.

Ateng did not deny that the increase in public transport rates would erode fleet occupancy or occupancy. However, said Ateng, changing the tariff had to be done because it was impossible for his party to absorb fuel increases without changing the tariff.

"Obviously it must be like that. There is a high possibility. So now we are over the pandemic, people want to move but they want to be hit (increased with fuel) like this, of course people are thinking. So whether the movement is needed," said Ateng.

"They will sort it out, if the movement they need will definitely move, for example, work, you have to go using public transportation. But if that's roughly the other goal, it will definitely be corrected. In a sense not to do it first," he continued.

Previously, the Land Transport Organization (Organda) asked the government to immediately provide and establish guidelines for adjusting tariffs for various types of economic-class road transportation modes according to the level. This follows the increase in the price of fuel oil (BBM) subsidies for the types of Pertalite and Solar.

General Chairperson of Organda Adrianto Djokosoetono said with the current new price, the price of subsidized diesel rose 320 percent from before. Meanwhile, Pertalite rose 31.7 percent. Meanwhile, 100 percent of Organda members use these types of fuel for operations.

"Almost 100 percent of Organda members in various modes consume Pertalite and Solar fuels. For this reason, the Organda DPP asks the government to immediately provide and establish guidelines for adjusting the tariffs for various modes for economic class road transportation according to the level," he said.

The economic class according to the level is the Ministry of Transportation for inter-city transportation between provinces (AKAP) for economic class, Provincial Transportation Service for inter-city cities in economic and taxi class (AKDP), Regency/City Transportation Service for Urban and Rural Transportation.

"For non-economic modes, operators can adjust by looking at the potential and market conditions," he said.

Adrianto also asked all levels of the Organda to maintain the conduciveness of their respective regions in adjusting transportation rates in various modes.

And carry out in an orderly manner in order to maintain Organda support for the needs of community movement, both people and logistics.

With the increase in subsidized fuel rates, Organda also asked the government to ensure that the supply and smooth supply of subsidized fuel supply as needed throughout Indonesia are no exception, with quality levels according to the specifications that should be.

"The government must be firm and take sufficient steps to oversee the distribution of subsidized fuel according to the provisions, where all this time every year the distribution of subsidized fuel always experiences scarcity," said Adrianto.

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