
JAKARTA - The DPR's Budget Agency (Banggar) is known to have agreed with the Draft Law on Accountability for the Implementation of the 2021 State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (RUU P2APBN) proposed by the government through the Ministry of Finance.

Meanwhile, the next stage will be continued at the Level II Discussion/Decision Making at the DPR Plenary Session.

Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani said that her party expressed its appreciation for the parliament's support for government work.

"The government expresses its gratitude that in the discussion for the past two weeks, all views from all factions give approval and at the same time support to continue the discussion of the P2APBN Bill for Fiscal Year 2021 in the next stage," he said, quoted on Friday, September 2.

According to the Minister of Finance, the 2021 State Budget is designed with the optimistic assumption that the economy will recover soon. This is in accordance with the downward trend in COVID-19 cases in the third quarter of the 2020 period and the discovery of vaccines so that they can start implementing strategic vaccination programs.

However, in fact, the 2021 State Budget is facing more severe pandemic challenges due to the delta variant mutage. According to the Minister of Finance, this condition causes great pressure in managing the economy and maintaining public safety.

However, the 2021 State Budget is claimed to be able to deal with it and make the Indonesian economy bounce back by growing 3.69 percent on an annual basis (year on year/yoy).

For this reason, the Minister of Finance appreciates the DPR's approval and support in designing a flexible and capable APBN to respond to uncertain situations. So that the 2021 State Budget can be carried out properly, especially in carrying out its role in tackling problems of health threats, social protection, and national economic recovery.

"We, on behalf of the government, once again want to express our appreciation and gratitude to the DPR, especially the Budget Agency, who have understood the challenges we face without any precedent or unprecedented," closed the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani.

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