
JAKARTA - PT Bursa Efek Indonesia (IDX) recorded a net income of IDR 1.45 trillion in the first semester of 2022. The net profit covered by the IDX reached IDR 518.94 billion. In IDX's financial report, quoted on Tuesday, August 30, Self Regulatory Organization (SRO) recorded a net income of IDR 1.45 trillion, an increase of 15.53 percent from the same period or year-on-year (yoy). In the first semester of 2021, IDX posted revenue of IDR 1.25 trillion. IDX revenue consists of operating income related to exchange transactions and operating income from non-exchange transactions. The total operating income related to exchange transactions and IDX's operating income reached IDR 1.2 trillion from IDR 1.2 trillion, an increase of 13.6 percent yoy. This figure accounts for 83.24 percent of the total IDX revenue. Meanwhile, operating income from non-exchange transactions reached Rp66.77 billion. This figure increased by 16.71 percent from Rp57.2 billion last year. Operating income related to IDX exchange transactions consists of securities transaction services, clearing services, recording services, and other information services and facilities. In terms of revenue growth, securities transaction services rose 14.9 percent to Rp663.46 billion, clearing services rose 14.77 percent to Rp333.30 billion, recording services rose 5.34 percent to Rp120.91 billion, and other information services and facilities increased 15.99 percent to Rp91.03 billion. Furthermore, the IDX recorded an increase in the load from Rp702.04 billion to Rp798.87 billion in the first semester of 2022. This made IDX's gross profit increase by 17.7 percent to Rp653.11 billion from Rp554.74 billion. After deducting various expenses that were successfully streamlined, the IDX recorded a net profit attributable to owners of the parent entity increased by 20 percent from Rp432.1 billion to Rp518.94 billion in the first half of 2022. Meanwhile, IDX's total assets rose 16.97 percent from Rp9.45 trillion at the end of 2021 to Rp11.05 trillion in the middle of this year. On the other hand, the total liabilities also increased by 32.2 percent from Rp3.45 trillion on December 31, 2021 to Rp4.56 trillion on June 30, 2022. Then for cash and the final cash equivalent of the period, there was a slight increase of 0.06 percent from Rp1,907 billion to Rp1,908 billion.

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