
JAKARTA The government is committed to continuing the Pre-Employment Card program in 2023. Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani said that the budget allocation for the increase in human resources has been included in the 2023 State Budget Bill for the social protection sub-sector (Perlinsos).

"The social welfare budget includes the Pre-Employment Card program," he said at the Senayan Parliament Complex, Jakarta when attending a meeting with the DPR's Budget Agency, Tuesday, August 30.

In the information submitted by the Minister of Finance, it is revealed that the target participants next year are 500,000 people. This number decreased drastically compared to previous periods.

From the information gathered by the editors, in 2020 the government targets 5.6 million participants with a budget allocation of IDR 20 trillion. A year later or 2021, the Pre-Employment Card provides a quota for more than 5.9 million participants with a budget of IDR 21.2 trillion.

Meanwhile, for 2022, the government is known to target 2.9 million participants with funds prepared of Rp11 trillion. Allegedly, the shrinking target of the number of Pre-Employment Card participants in 2023 will be in line with the budget capabilities provided in the APBN.

The Ministry of Finance itself has not released how much allocation of funds is prepared for the program. Meanwhile, the total social protection budget for 2023 was recorded at Rp479.1 trillion, which was distributed into eight important sub-sectors, including for Pre-Employment Cards.

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