
JAKARTA - The Minister of Finance (Menkeu) represents the government to submit the 2023 State Budget Bill to the DPR's Budget Agency (Banggar).

In his presentation, the Minister of Finance said that next year's state finances illustrate various fundamentals and must be managed appropriately.

This year the pandemic has again shown a decline. However, in 2023 the risk will shift from pandemic to global risk," he said at the Senayan Parliament Complex, Jakarta on Tuesday, August 30.

According to the Minister of Finance, windfall conditions are not expected to continue in the next period. This has the potential to reduce state revenue sources. In addition, in terms of taxation, the Voluntary Disclosure Program (PPS) is also not present next year.

"We must also improve the state budget with a fiscal deficit of below 3 percent of gross domestic product (GDP)," he said.

In terms of spending, with the absence of a budget for handling the pandemic, the focus of the budget can be directly channeled to several sectors, such as health and also increase education funds.

Then for the state budget posture, it is targeted to generate IDR 2,443.6 trillion in state revenue and expenditure of IDR 3,041.7 trillion so that the deficit is IDR 598.2 trillion or equivalent to 2.85 percent of GDP.

Then, economic growth is expected to reach 5.3 percent and inflation is controlled at the level of 3.3 percent.

"Through synergistic cooperation, God willing, we can protect Indonesia together," closed the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani.

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