
JAKARTA - The construction of the Kayan Hydro Energy (KHE) hydroelectric Power Plant (PLTA) project, which is being worked on by PT Kayan Hydro Energy (KHE) has entered the expansion process, including road construction.

Meanwhile, PT KHE is also in the process of obtaining an explosive permit, to be used to blow up large rocks that block the road clearing process at a number of points.

"According to the new National Police Chief Regulation, to obtain permits for possession and storage (P3) of explosives, you must receive a recommendation letter from the Commercial Explosive Management Jasa Business Entity," said Project Manager for the construction of PLTA Kayan Sapta Nugraha to reporters, Monday, August 29.

He added that previously on August 18, 2022, his party had received a recommendation letter and was waiting for the wild permit to use P3 from the National Police Headquarters.

He estimates that the detonating process will be carried out in September after waiting for the process of issuing a permit for 15 days.

"The initial location of the explosion will be around Tugu Lima, there is a land clearing spot. For the time being, it still stops there because it has found quite a lot of rock," he continued.

Based on the initial inventory, the volume of the rock to be detonated was 115,000 cubic meters and an initial measurement process had been carried out pending exit permits.

For information, PT KHE is working on infrastructure development in the form of road construction from the nearest PU (Ministry of Public Works) road to the Kayan 1 dam point which is approximately 12 km away.

This hydropower plant will have integrated electrical resources and become the main source of electricity for the International Industrial and Port Area (KIPI) Tanah Kuning-Mangkupa in North Kalimantan.

The Kayan Cascade hydropower plant built by PT KHE utilizes an area along the Kayan river and consists of 5 dams with 5-6 units of generating turbines for each dam.

The first stage of hydropower plant Kayan Cascade has a capacity of 900 Megawatt (MW), the second stage is 1,200 MW, the third and fourth stages are 1,800 MW each, and the fifth stage is 3,300 MW.

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