
JAKARTA - Head of the Industrial Resources Development Agency (BPSDMI) of the Ministry of Industry, Arus Gunawan, said that the national textile and textile (TPT) industry sector still needs a lot of human resources (HR).

In fact, business activities in this sector are one of the largest foreign exchange earners with export books of USD 5.36 billion in the January-April 2022 period.

"The national TPT industry still lacks a significant supply of human resources of up to 135,000 people per year," he said in a written statement on Saturday, August 27.

According to Arus, the textile industry absorbs up to 3.65 million workers or 19.5 percent of the total workforce of the manufacturing industry during the COVID-19 pandemic.

"For this contribution, the textile industry has a fairly important and strategic role in encouraging the national economy," he said.

To overcome the shortage of human resources, the government took the initiative to carry out various supporting programs. Among other things, through the construction of the industrial vocational education unit of the Surakarta Textile Industrial Community Academy and Textile Products in 2015.

"In fact, we are actively holding 3 in 1 (training, competency certification and job placement) system training to meet the workforce of the TPT industry at the operator level," he said.

Then, the Career Development Center (CDC) of the Education Unit of the Ministry of Industry was also designed to optimize the absorption of labor from graduates of the vocational education unit.

To note, the CDC will become the integrated platform as well as the icon of the BPSDMI Kemenerin which is also a role model for other agencies.

There are various features designed in the CDC system to assist students in their career journeys. Call it job vacancies, industry vocational clinics, interest and talent tests, pre-wistry vacancies, entrepreneurship, scholarships, and others.

In addition to being useful for students, the CDC can provide fresh air for the industry because with the presence of the program. Companies can get more targeted workforce as needed.

In addition, the CDC can be a forum or means of input related to industrial human resources.

"Through the CDC, it is hoped that it can further introduce to the industry government programs in the employment sector, so that the participation of business actors in the CDC program is increasing," concluded Gunawan Arus.

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