
JAKARTA - Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono said the government continues to encourage the provision of housing for the people in accordance with community expectations.

"Let's build a joint commitment to collaborate to create decent and affordable housing for all," said Minister Basuki in his statement quoted by Antara, Friday, August 26.

The Minister of PUPR also said that housing assistance from the government has always existed and even increased since 2015. This year, the government provides housing assistance in the amount of IDR 29 trillion, while in 2023 it will increase to IDR 32 trillion to build a minimum of 220 thousand houses through the Housing Financing Liquidity Facility (FLPP) scheme.

Minister Basuki also invited the public, especially the younger generation, to immediately invest in the housing sector by buying their own houses.

“If young people only want to rent, the rent will increase every year. But if you buy a house, the installments are getting less and less noticeable. The sooner you buy a house, the better," he said.

Previously, the government channeled funds worth Rp. 97.44 trillion for the Home Ownership Credit Program for Housing Financing Liquidity Facilities (KPR FLPP) for low-income people (MBR) from 2010 to June 2022 to 1.1 million housing units throughout Indonesia.

Finance Minister Sri Mulyani said the government had made various efforts to support home ownership for the entire community through various schemes, both in the form of policies and subsidized credit (FLPP) to reduce the backlog by using the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN).

He explained that the State Budget has worked hard to provide benefits to various segments of the community in need, including helping low-income families to have affordable housing with this year's target of 200 thousand housing units. This year, the government provides funds of Rp. 30 trillion for the program.

Until June 2022, the target of 49.78 percent of the total 200 thousand housing for MBR has been achieved. The source of funds amounting to Rp. 30 trillion comes from the APBN which is channeled through State Capital Participation (PMN) of Rp. 21.1 trillion and to the People's Housing Savings Management Agency (BP Tapera) of Rp. 19.1 trillion.

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