
JAKARTA - A number of creative groups and artists from Jakarta were initiated by the collaborative community, the collective Jakarta Art Movement and Papatong artspace to mural the walls at the Cipinang Rice Main Market, East Jakarta with the theme Gemah Ripah Loh Jinawi Thursday, August 25.

The phrase Gemah Ripah Loh Jinawi is a Javanese expression that is familiar to the wider community, giving the meaning of a condition of prosperity, prosperity and well-being.

Pamrihadi, President Director of PT Food Station Tjipinang Jaya said, the Mural Collaboration activity is the first time PT Food Station Tjipinang Jaya has conducted in commemoration of the 77th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia (RI), with the theme Food Security in the DKI Jakarta Province.

"The mural activity with the theme Gemah Ripah Loh Jinawi is at the Cipinang Rice Main Market, which in carrying out this activity is in collaboration with the Collaborative Community, the Jakarta Art Movement Collective and Papatong Artspace who have been painting the walls at the Cipinang Rice Main Market," he explained.

"The murals visualize the condition of farmers, families who have access throughout Indonesia and eat proper food according to the vision of our nation," added Pamrihadi.

Pamrihadi added that the artist's works perfectly describe the Food Station's aspiration to become a pillar of food security and a food producer of choice for the community.

At the same time, mural coordinator and art curator Bambang Asrini said, a utopia needs to be relied on, that art must carry a message about the age of 77 years in Indonesia, not just walking in place.

"The Gemah Ripah Loh Jinawi community must be realized by us through collaboration," he said on the sidelines of monitoring the mural making at Gudang Beras.

"From the beginning, the collaboration community believed that the activity of celebrating independence was an example of the spiritual condition of our nation's founders. This was manifested by propaganda on the issue of food sovereignty, like what my friends do," said the head of the collaboration community, Sonny Muhammad with great enthusiasm.

Meanwhile, the founder of Papatong artspace, Yeni Fatmawati, further stated that art must be returned to its nature, which is to be useful for many audiences, with artists working concretely at the right moment and location and carrying a clear message.

"I think artists are not just making the atmosphere of a location beautiful, pleasing to the eye, but also carrying a deep message about the meaning of Independence Month for the nation today. What if food is not accessible to the public? Food sovereignty is left behind, just jargons on social media, "said the artist and a lawyer who is currently continuing his art studies at the Bandung Institute of Technology.

Another artist, Selo Riemulyadi said that it is appropriate for the Cipinang Rice Market as the "epicenter point of the food sovereignty earthquake" in the event of a food crisis, fortunately the condition of food availability is maintained, especially rice, which is in accordance with the spirit of Indonesia to recover and rise in 2022.

"The murals at the Cipinang Rice Main Market are not only metaphors, symbols, but also concrete evidence of how society, art and its context with rice are very closely related, in this case artists, care about the issue of food security which has three main aspects. the main schools: availability, accessibility and consumption patterns that should vary," Selo added while scattering his brush on the wall.

A market, of course, in addition to providing adequate food and affordable access for the community in addition to business interests, at the same time there is hope that the market location can become an open space where all people enjoy entertainment freely.

"The true mural, in my perspective; not only carries a message on food issues. The Cipinang Rice Main Market Complex can be a kind of open space for a friendly, comfortable community and a place for family gatherings. It can be accessed by anyone, entertains and becomes a creative space, especially millennials who want to upload it on social media," said the manager of the Cipinang Rice Main Market, Herry Awal Fajar added.

Gemah Ripah Loh Jinawi's Mural Making

The basic idea of making the mural is a continuation of the provocative mural speech of Bung Karno and local cleric Haji Darip on the Klender flyover on August 10, 2022, which was carried out by the same artist communities.

The mural at the Cipinang Rice Main Market interprets the Javanese expression which is actually more complete, namely: "Gemah Ripah Loh Jinawi Tata Tentrem Kerta Raharja" which means Gemah Ripah Loh Jinawi gives a message that the community and the location where the conditions are very fertile and very prosperous. And the Kerta Raharja Tentrem System, namely the state of an area that is orderly, peaceful, and prosperous and full of everything.

The artists in partnership with the curator divide the two main areas at Pasar Induk Beras Cipinang, namely the area outside the walls of the complex that tells about the Jakarta area, as a form of "mini Indonesia" by depicting the visualization of Jakarta's icons in an illustrative way.

Art connoisseurs and the public can see the Welcome Statue to the latest icon, namely the Jakarta International Stadium (JIS) by relating the atmosphere of the cheerful faces of a family and a group of farmers and the distribution carried out by traders and all of them are covered with the tendency of the main colors of natural green. .

The shady pastel colors also convey the coolness without reducing the attractiveness of the mural that glows brightly. Meanwhile, in the area of the wall inside the Cipinang Rice Main Market complex, artists perform on the walls of the Rice Warehouse, commonly known as the Rice Plant.

They drew half-bodied giant farmers, rice paddies, rice fields and even a number of farmers with decorative figures reminiscent of the traditional clothes of the five regions of the archipelago. The message of the murals on the walls of the Rice Warehouse at Pasar Induk Beras Cipinang, East Jakarta is very clear: food distribution should be fair and equitable throughout the Republic of Indonesia.

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