
JAKARTA - Implementation of Smart Province and digitization of public services are crucial in this year's economic recovery period.

This will support transparency of regional financial transactions, governance, and integration of financial management systems in optimizing regional revenues.

In addition, digitalization is believed to encourage the development of public digital payment transactions, realize financial inclusion, and increase economic integration and national digital finance.

PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. or BNI (stock code: BBNI) as a pioneer in digital banking, in collaboration with the Bengkulu Provincial Government (Pemprov) in the use of banking service facilities and support for the Smart Province Program.

BNI also cooperates with PT Cybers Global Indonesia in terms of support for the Smart Province Program and the Use of Banking Service Facilities.

The signing of this collective agreement was carried out by the Governor of Bengkulu Province, Rohidin Mersyah, together with BNI's Director of Services and Networks, Ronny Venir. At the beginning of this strategic step, BNI also signed a joint agreement with Vice President of PT Cybers Global Indonesia Braman Setyo in Bengkulu, Wednesday, August 24.

Rohidin Mersyah said the steps for implementing the Smart Province system in local governments were in line with Presidential Decree (Keppres) Number 3 of 2021. able to encourage electronification of local government transactions, to support the development of community digital payment transactions.

"We appreciate BNI and Cyber Global who are proactive with the local government in building a smart province and digitizing public services, which in the future we hope will be able to make Bengkulu a province that has a regional financial transaction system, governance, and integration of transparent financial management systems," he said. Rohidin.

"In the end, we hope that this step will also be able to encourage the development of people's digital payment transactions, realize inclusive finance to increase economic integration, and digital finance," he continued.

BNI's Director of Services and Networks Ronny Venir said, the implementation of Smart Province is also a form of BNI's support to all district and city governments towards 100 Smart Cities which is a joint program of the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of PUPR, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Bappenas, and the Office of the Presidential Staff.

This movement aims to guide Regencies/Cities in preparing Smart City Masterplans so that they can maximize the use of technology, both in improving public services and accelerating the potential that exists in each region.

"We thank the Bengkulu Provincial Government for giving BNI the opportunity to contribute more to the governance and development of the digital economy in Bengkulu. We are committed to providing comprehensive financial solutions, in accordance with BNI's goal to become your financial banking partner. This is also in line with the spirit of BNI Go Digital, where the company offers many conveniences for Bengkulu Provincial Government ASN, including BNI Taplus with mobile banking facilities, BNI Griya through online mortgage applications, subsidized home loan facilities and insurance products from BNI Life," he added.

Meanwhile, Ronny explained, BNI has a BNI Smart City program which is also in line with the spirit of Smart Province to help local governments to use information technology in building a digital-based ecosystem in carrying out regional financial management to suit the objectives of smart provinces.

In implementing Smart Province in Bengkulu, BNI also collaborates with PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Bengkulu.

Not only financial governance aspects, BNI will also help bring together various stakeholders in building a smart ecosystem with a wide scope both in government, business, and consumer.

The scope of this collaboration includes smart government for information management solutions for local government financial systems, solutions for receiving various types of taxes or income, and payment solutions.

Furthermore, the smart economy which includes the market ecosystem, agricultural ecosystem, fisherman ecosystem, BUMDES ecosystem and the BNI Xpora program for MSMEs Go Global.

There is also a smart society which includes the tourism ecosystem, health ecosystem, and education ecosystem.

Lastly is the smart environment which includes the Let's Save with Garbage program, and proper and correct waste management. (ADV)

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