
JAKARTA - The acquisition of millennial customers, especially students, by banks is increasingly strategic in this year's economic recovery period. In addition to increasing financial inclusion, aggressive acquisition of young customers can make the national economy more stable in the face of increasingly challenging economic developments.

In order to increase public awareness to promote a culture of saving on Indonesia Savings Day, the Financial Services Authority (OJK) continues to encourage banking service industry players to accelerate the addition of accounts, especially from the student segment. OJK has the One Account One Student Program (KEJAR) which is the mainstay to meet the government's financial inclusion target of 90 percent by 2024.

OJK also appreciated PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk or BNI (stock code: BBNI) with two awards at once, namely the BUMN Bank with the best KEJAR Implementation, and the Most Innovative Bank in KEJAR Implementation.

The award was handed over directly by the Chief Executive of the OJK Capital Market Supervision Inarno Djajadi and the Chief Executive of the Deposit Insurance Corporation Lana Soelistianingsih to the Consumer Business Director of BNI Corina Leyla Karnalies at Smesco, Jakarta, Tuesday 23 August.

In his statement, OJK's Director of Financial Inclusion Development Edwin Nurhadi said that the fulfillment of financial inclusion targets can only be achieved with close collaboration between supervisory authorities, banking industry players, and all communities. According to him, BNI as a development agent as well as a campus bank is considered the most progressive in acquiring student customers.

Not only with the reliability of mobile banking, but BNI actively organizes various community empowerment programs in the academic environment that make student customer acquisition stronger.

"We certainly really appreciate BNI for being proactive in promoting the KEJAR program in order to meet the financial inclusion target which is ultimately expected to encourage more sustainable economic growth," he said.

On this occasion, Corina said the company is committed to always making various innovations both in products and services to provide convenience for customers, especially from the student segment, to be able to access various kinds of banking services.

One of the innovations provided is digital account opening for students both at home and abroad. This program is expected to facilitate all transaction needs in supporting the implementation of student learning programs and Indonesian students both at home and abroad.

"We are grateful to OJK who always encourage BNI to continue to do more, in the success of this KEJAR program. As a bank with global capacity, BNI not only encourages the acquisition of domestic student customers, but also students abroad who gain knowledge for the development of the Indonesian economy that better," he said.

To enliven this event, BNI also invites students and youth to have experience with opening a SiMuda account with a BNI DOA (BNI Digital Opening Account) through a mobile banking application at the BNI booth, this activity also aims to encourage students and youth as a symbol of enthusiasm and commitment to implementing a culture of saving among students and students.

This digital account opening innovation has also been implemented at the National Jamboree in Cibubur which was recently held and attended by Scouts from all over Indonesia. BNI has also collaborated with the DKI Jakarta Provincial Environmental Service, environmental education can run concurrently with banking education.

Corina continued, the digital opening of BNI Student Savings makes it easier for students to open accounts online and can even save directly with trash, through the Waste Bank network that has become BNI's Agen46.

"With these various product innovations and programs, we hope to be able to provide the best service and become a lifetime banking partner who faithfully accompanies from an early age," concluded Corina.

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