
JAKARTA - Deputy Chairperson of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Nurul Ghufron said that his party had conducted a study regarding the process of admitting new students to state universities in Indonesia. He said, the process of accepting new students through independent channels was not carried out in a transparent manner.

"KPK has indeed conducted a study and assessed that the admission of new students through independent channels is less measurable, less transparent and less certain," he said in a press conference broadcast on the KPK's YouTube account, Sunday, August 21.

Ghufron said that the admission of State University students through independent pathways does have a good goal. But unfortunately the KPK, the process is not transparent so that it can give birth to criminal acts of corruption.

"Indeed, we understand that this independent child path is an affirmation path for students or prospective new students with special needs, for example underdeveloped areas, underprivileged students and others, all of which are noble goals," he said.

"However, because this independent path is very local in size, not transparent, and not measurable, then it becomes unaccountable. Because it is not accountable, then it becomes a loophole for criminal acts of corruption," he continued.

Therefore, Ghufron hopes that in the future, the process of admitting new students on the independent path can be improved and more measurable. He also hopes that this independent path can be more transparent.

"KPK hopes that in the future the recruitment process, whatever the name, there is an independent path or other affirmation pathway, it's not a matter of independence, not the name, but the mechanism must be improved to be more measurable, more accountable, and more participatory so that later the community can supervise more," he said. .

As is known, the KPK has just named the Chancellor of the University of Lampung (Unila) Karomani as a suspect in the alleged bribery of accepting new student candidates at the campus he leads. Karomani set a price ranging from Rp. 100 million to Rp. 350 million to help graduate new Unila students.

Ghufron said that the bribery mode of accepting new students is tarnishing and also very ironic because it occurs in the world of education, where the world of education is expected to be able to produce knowledge and national cadres who can eradicate and prevent corruption in the future.

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