
JAKARTA - The jewelry industry is one of the mainstay sectors in spurring the national economy through the contribution of foreign exchange from the achievement of its export value. During January-June 2022, the value reached 2.37 billion US dollars.

The record rose 92.68 percent from the same period in 2021 of 1.23 billion US dollars.

Minister of Industry Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita revealed that the main countries for exporting jewelry from Indonesia include Switzerland (35 percent), the United States (26 percent), the United Arab Emirates and Hong Kong (11 percent each).

" also stated that the market share of Indonesian jewelry exports to the world in 2021 was 2.5 percent and ranks 14th out of all jewelry product exporting countries. This market share increased from the previous year which only reached 2 percent. This shows that the Indonesian jewelry industry still has the opportunity to continue to grow and develop in increasing its market share," said the Minister of Industry in his statement, Friday, August 19.

Meanwhile, the Director General of Small, Medium and Multifarious Industries (IKMA) of the Ministry of Industry, Reni Yanita revealed, Indonesia has the potential to continue to boost the export performance of the jewelry industry by looking at the capabilities of large and medium-scale industries which reach 98 business units, with more than 21,000 industrial workers. inside it.

One of the Ministry of Industry's efforts to support the growth of the domestic jewelry industry is to facilitate participation in national and international exhibitions.

"To maintain this growth momentum, the government continues to maintain a conducive business climate, one of which is by improving the supply chain of the jewelry industry, such as facilitating access to raw materials," said Reni.

Another effort is to encourage the reduction of import duty tariffs on jewelry products in export destination countries through the use of international trade agreement cooperation, including supporting international exhibitions of jewelry products such as JIJF 2022.

The Ministry of Industry also encourages increased market access through digital technology media. This is because real connectivity between humans, machines and data has entered all lines of people's lives. This rapidly growing digital technology has changed people's habits, one of which is shopping through an online marketplace.

"This, of course, also needs to be observed by the jewelry industry players to be able to remain competitive," he said.

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