
JAKARTA - Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani emphasized that the government is still continuing its commitment to allocate the 2024 election budget by disbursing a large amount of budget to strategic implementing agencies.

Most recently, the Minister of Finance explained that the government had prepared funds of Rp. 14 trillion for the General Elections Commission (KPU) and Rp. 5.5 trillion for the Election Supervisory Body or Bawaslu. According to the state treasurer, the funds have been included in the 2023 APBN draft and are ready to be distributed starting early next year.

"For next year's election budget, the KPU is budgeted at Rp. 14 trillion. This year (KPU) there is a request for an additional budget that we have asked for verification which is indeed needed for 2022. Meanwhile for Bawaslu the budget is Rp. 5.5 trillion," he said when giving a press statement to reporters, Tuesday, August 16.

The Minister of Finance added that the amount disbursed by the government next year is relatively less when compared to the allocation of funds during the election year.

"The largest election budget will occur in 2024 when the election takes place. So this is still in the process of conducting elections," he said.

VOI noted that the budget requirement for the 2024 democratic party is believed to be sucking up state funds of Rp110.4 trillion.

This figure jumped significantly from the realization of the 2019 election which at that time amounted to Rp. 25.59 trillion at the KPU, Rp. 4.85 trillion in the supervision sector, and the security budget with a value of Rp. 3.29 trillion.

Meanwhile, the source of funds given to the KPU and Bawaslu for the coming year will come from spending by ministries/agencies in the 2023 APBN, which totals Rp. 993.2 trillion.

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