
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) continues the work program through PUPR infrastructure spending in Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 in order to encourage economic growth, maintain people's purchasing power, create jobs, and increase the nation's competitiveness.

The PUPR Ministry's budget ceiling as stated in the 2023 FY State Budget Bill and its Financial Notes is IDR 125.2 trillion.

PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono said in the implementation of the FY 2023 infrastructure spending program, the PUPR Ministry focused on completing construction works that are being built and optimizing infrastructure that has been built through the Operation, Maintenance, Optimization and Rehabilitation (OPOR) approach.

"According to President Joko Widodo's statement, infrastructure development activities in 2023 remain a top priority and are expected to be completed entirely by 2024. There will be no new developments, except by order of the President," said Minister Basuki.

The budget ceiling of the Ministry of PUPR for FY 2023 will be used for activities in the water resources sector of IDR 41.9 trillion, including continuing the completion of 24 dams of which 13 dams are targeted for completion, such as Keureuto and Rukoh in Aceh, Lau Simeme in North Sumatra, Karian in Banten and Cipanas. and Leuwikeris in West Java.

In addition, it also continues the construction of irrigation networks covering an area of 6,900 hectares such as the Lematang Irrigation Area (DI) in South Sumatra, Baliase DI in South Sulawesi, Bintang Bano DI in NTB, Rentang DI in West Java and other irrigation areas whose water is served from dams.

Priority activities in the field of roads and bridges amounting to Rp49.3 trillion include increasing highway connectivity.

In 2023, it is targeted that 297 km of new toll roads will be operated spread over 12 sections, such as the 69.2 km Kayuagung-Palembang-Betung Toll Road.

"In 2022, 375 km of new toll roads will be operated, then in 2023 it will be 297 km long, so it is hoped that by 2024 there will be an additional 1,500 km of new toll roads operating. All of them are with gate to gate services," said Minister Basuki.

Furthermore, in the area of settlements amounting to Rp. 25 trillion, including the arrangement of the National Tourism Strategic Area (KSPN) and other strategic activities covering an area of 198 hectares such as Waterford City Pangururan and Tele in Toba, Borobudur Art Village, Dieng area, Wakatobi KSPN, and Kaimana Area.

The Ministry of PUPR through the Directorate General of Human Settlements has also completed the construction of 4 National Border Posts (PLBN), namely the Jagoi Babang PLBN in West Kalimantan and the Long Midang, Labang, and Long Nawang PLBNs in Kaltara.

In the drinking water sector, among others, the development of the Wosusokas Regional Drinking Water Supply System (SPAM) to increase the supply of piped drinking water in Wonogiri, Sukoharjo, Karanganyar, and Surakarta City in Central Java as well as completing the construction of the Umbulan SPAM in East Java, Bandar Lampung SPAM, and the Durolis Regional SPAM to support piped drinking water services in Dumai City, Rokan Hilir Regency, and Bengkalis Regency in Riau Province.

In the field of sanitation completed Domestic Wastewater Treatment Plants (IPALD) in Pekanbaru City, Jambi, Makassar, Banda Aceh, DKI Jakarta, and KIT Batang in Central Java.

Then completed the construction of the Regional Waste Disposal Site (TPA) of Manado City, Minahasa Regency and North Minahasa Regency, as well as the Konggok Garden Integrated Waste Disposal Site (TPST) in Lombok.

In the housing sector, the budget is IDR 6.9 trillion for the construction of 4,575 flat units, 3,360 special housing units, 27,825 PSU support, and 147,650 self-help housing units.

No less important, cash-intensive activities in 2023 are allocated a minimum of Rp13.76 trillion, with an estimated workforce absorption of 700 thousand people.

Meanwhile, for the 2022 FY budget with a final ceiling of IDR 110.7 trillion, the realization of absorption as of August 16, 2022 is IDR 46.6 trillion or 42 percent of the total budget and physical progress of 45 percent.

For the auction progress, from a total of 3,766 contractual packages worth IDR 37.3 trillion, 3,009 packages worth IDR 29.7 trillion or 79.8 percent were contracted, in the auction process 548 packages worth IDR 5.8 trillion or 15.6 percent and those that have not been auctioned. 209 packages worth IDR 1.7 trillion or 4.6 percent.

Present to accompany Minister Basuki, Secretary General of the Ministry of PUPR Mohammad Zainal Fatah, Director General of Highways Hedy Rahadian, Director General of Human Settlements Diana Kusumastuti, Director General of Housing Iwan Suprijanto, Expert Staff of the Minister of PUPR for Technology, Industry and Environment Endra S. Atmawidjaja, and Head of the Communication Bureau Public Pantja Dharma Oetojo

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